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    The Goblin Nation

    • Author:KJ_The_Cat 
    • Renew:90 Cossack's Death Touch
    • Category:webnovels
    • Update:08.15
    • Tags:Xianxia 
    • Intro: The Goblin Nation summary: They should have fought back. They felt his disdain, but no one wanted to believe - believe that they were never loved. T

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    The Goblin Nation summary: They should have fought back. They felt his disdain, but no one wanted to believe - believe that they were never loved. That they can just appease him again. Sacrifice their lives again. Conquered their enemies again. Built wonders for his majesty again. And when they finally accepted the truth, it brought them to their knees as his machines burned down their wonders and reduced them back into animals...

    • visitor 2024-09-21
      (the hostess really likes Minghong, so humble)
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Just updated a little, send beggars? Look at others. Emperor Xianwu has updated so much.
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Why can't I understand this cartoon more and more? Does she have a grudge against Lu Chenxin? Why pretend to be her mother?
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Mengqi doesn't know what she wants to express. Did she say Lu Shen's straight male cancer before? Euphemistically speaking, grow tall in all aspects ⛰️ (actually, I don't know if it's right or not) praise it more
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Lady, leave. This kind of man is not worth it
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      It's OK to watch it, but it's too little.
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      A family is so broken down bit by bit
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Emmmm, so when can Gongjin arrive? He's been stuck on the road for too long. If he doesn't come out again, there's no need to come out
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      At the beginning of the story, it was amazing. After the alien invasion, I probably guessed the context of the story. Although the painting style is not my favorite, I still praise the author's persistence
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      This female star is expected to have a lot to do with the professor
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      very good. I prefer funny ones. There are many interesting dialects in this cartoon, which increases my knowledge. Alas ~
      The Goblin Nation manga
      The Goblin Nation latest chapter
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Obviously, there have been many lovers. Will they say goodbye because they don't answer quickly for a while? Childish. It's probably just because something else disappeared
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Thank the author for his creation and dedication
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      At the beginning, the plot is the same as the strongest God King
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Why is Xiaoqinglong so shy when it comes to asking his master to draw a knife?
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      How did you contribute? I also want to vote for one
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Why does the man finally look like a woman? This last one is the last picture
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      I'm looking forward to the explosion in a few days
      The Goblin Nation manga
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      Take the liberty to ask, so what's the first word
    • visitor 2024-09-21
      I think the man saved by the woman is good

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