The plot of Fate/hollow ataraxia is based half a year after the events of Fate/stay night. Like its preceding counterpart, the story is set in Fuyuki City. Bazett Fraga McRemitz, a member of the Mages' Association and a master in the 5th Holy Grail War, wakes on the fourth day of the 5th Holy Grail war with a new servant, Avenger, and no memory of what happened to her beforehand. She and Avenger set off to fight and win the Holy Grail War.
Many ages ago, a devil roamed the world. Bearing wings of black and eyes of molten gold, he traversed the world leaving a wake of death with his powers of glittering darkness. The Devil was slain by the 10 gods who created the world and to protect the world from further evil, the gods created 10 swords infused with their power.... Mirim is a member of the Ten Pillar Swords Guild. In fact, she is one of its top ranking members earning the title of 'Crimson' and the right to wield one of the 10 swords forged by the gods. Her companion, Ash Grave, happens to be the devil of legend. Why is a swordswoman with a sword forged to protect the world teamed up with a demon seeking to destroy it? Perhaps there is more to this legend than meets the eye....
Rika is pretty, intelligent, and attracts the attention of all students. As her house was collapsed, she came to live with Mitsuru's family. Mitsuru, who is a babe in the woods, tries to approach Rika repeatedly, but she regards him as a fool. Love is unpredictable, however. Rika finds it difficult to keep her virtue.
From Attractive Fascinante 'Please let me be your lover.' In order to save Okanoue Shopping Center and help his brother continue with his dream of being a concert violinist, Akira, the owner of Sudou Fruits and Vegetables, decides to become a lover of an employee of the devlopment company. Unbeknowst to him, his lover is Motoya, the grandson of the owner of the company and now current head of the division preparing to buy out Okanoe shopping center. Can their relationship withstand the truth?
Star-Dust summary: Star-Dust summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Star-Dust. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Shore Road Mystery summary: The Shore Road Mystery summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Shore Road Mystery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
History of the United States summary: History of the United States summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of History of the United States. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908 summary: Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:女主是个小撩精,又娇又软,能甜能飒。顾若娇死后绑定了一个系统,需要帮助各个世界的炮灰女配们完成心愿。本以为是个简单的任务,没想到却惹上了各个世界的大佬们!替嫁,冲喜,锦鲤,真假千金,仙 侠,末日,兽世,星际,摄政王,小阁老,影帝,校园,阴阳眼,魔君,替身,白月光,读心术,不分先后,随心写。1w0-89049 >>
内容简介:[入v公告:本文将于日(周五)倒v,倒v章节将从第32章开始,看过的宝贝们千万别重复购买鸭!入v当天三更奉上!谢谢你们一直的支持!][是的,没错,本糊b终于能入v讨口饭吃了5555,希 望宝贝们不要养肥我,我很便宜的,每天一毛钱就可以捏圆搓扁55555不要九九八!不要九九八!每天一毛钱金督主抱回家!还有什么比这更划算的买卖吗!(嘶吼)]文案:温柔腹黑大侠攻x嘴毒心软美人受攻:顾照鸿;受:金子晚……金子晚,传闻中大盛朝第一佞臣,手握铁血刑讯组织监察百官,色如春花却狠辣嗜杀。他金督主一从京中被放出来替帝出巡,京官烧香拜佛松了口气,地方官战战兢兢如丧考妣。也正是因为替帝出巡,金子晚才愕然发现,他和盛云帝的cp话本居然满天飞,天下百姓人人cp粉,俨然是国民第一CP,无数人为之深深动容。谣言愈演越烈,金子晚百口莫辩,气到吐血。后来他明白了,要想拒绝捆绑,破坏一个荒谬绯闻最有力的办法是什么?——当然是找到一个真的恋爱对象。顾照鸿:本人单身,有马有房,名门正派,武林盟主,相貌端正,武功高强,江湖九亿少女的梦,不如金督主考虑一下?……替帝出巡前:天下人:来来来,这位少侠,我朝销量第一的情爱小话本了解一下!顾照鸿:给我看看给我看看。替帝出巡后:天下人:不会吧不会吧不会吧,不会还有人没入股英武帝王和美貌佞臣的绝美CP吧?顾照鸿:别想了,你家房子塌了。………一二三跟我念:皇上不是攻!皇上不是攻!皇上不是攻!皇上不是攻!皇上不是攻!皇上不是攻日更,强强互宠,甜文HE……作者絮絮叨叨:俺们冷门题材中,武侠第一冷;权谋第二冷;悬疑第三冷;本文:幸福三合一,嗖嗖冒冷气。各位看官老爷走过路过,救救孩子。PS!排雷!本文是群像正剧,有好人有坏人,但我理解人是多面体,本文里不会有纯粹的好人,也不会有纯粹的坏人,再光风霁月的人可能也会有私心,再阴险鄙薄的人可能也会有可怜之处。一千个人心里有一千个哈姆雷特,让我们peacelove起来(比心——————————我是出卖颜面求大家收藏一下的预收分割线——————————**下本就写这个!无缝衔接!预计年底开文!**《死了后全世界都开始爱我》(点进专栏就能看到!)阴骘疯狗攻x玲珑心思受本文又名“活着的时候所有人都在折磨我,死了以后全世界却开始爱我”……在楚樾涯短短二十年的生命中,他挖心挖肺去相助的那几个人,最后全都误会折辱了他。临死之前,楚樾涯骂骂咧咧地想这辈子也就这样了,下辈子安心养老,离狗男人越远越好。谁料到眼睛一闭一睁,他又活了,变成了纨绔王爷明王深受冷落的后院男宠。还没等他为这平静又安逸的生活感谢苍天,那几个狗男人却纷纷出现在了他眼前 >>
内容简介:【无cp种田基建女强爽文】竹凌在时空局快乐的咸鱼了一百年……然后,欠了六个亿巨债!为了还债,她被迫绑定了“催债系统”,开始辛酸还钱路。于是,紫霄国诞生了一位传奇女首富。传说她卖豆腐起家 ,靠魔芋暴富,随后火锅店,连锁酒店,女子工厂如雨后春笋般冒出来……无数商人富贾从四面八方赶来,企图搭上她这条大船。然而,她最厉害的成就,却是办了一家妇联!青楼少女,内宅主妇,贫寒女子…1w88468-88481 >>
内容简介: “ESPN没有把你排入本赛季十佳大前锋行列,不是因为你不够强,而是他们认为一个可以从三分线外晃开对手完成突破,三分命中全联盟前五,组织能力堪比控卫,能够快节奏地全场飞奔,除了身高外 和内线几乎完全不搭边的你不算是大前锋。对此,你怎么看?” 韦恩面对镜头,十分无辜:“我真的是个内线啊。”1w0-1516 >>