Usotsuki Read Online


Nemureru Mori No Binan

From PRISMS: 1982. Tomoi Hisatsugu went to New York to work as a doctor. But that's not all. He hopes to lead an easier life as a young homosexual than in Japan. Indeed, he meets another doctor, Richard Stein, and they become lovers. Nemureru Mori no Binan tells of their relationship in an extremely realistic way. It portrays the life of homosexuals in the early 80s very exact and conveys the mood of the secrecy gays and lesbians had to live in well. It is also a very down to earth story with characters that could meet in the street every day and doesn't use the elements so common in today's Shounen'ai-Manga.

Koi To Karada Wa Senaka Kara

From Nakama: 1-3) Shijo Kei has no interest in men younger than 40! Because of this fetish, he had gotten into numerous indecent relationship and heartbreaks. His kohai, Hiro, can always be counted on to comfort Kei as his “cushion”. Until one day, facing yet another Kei’s self-inflicted anguish, Hiro finally snapped and declared, “Try me!” before he crushed a totally stunned Kei into the bed with his pent-up passion!! Can Kei’s broken heart be mended by the sweet pain of a younger man’s vigorous embrace…

Sour & Sweet

From Miracle Manhwa: Jung Dan Bi accidentally collides into Top Model Jung Ee Dun, plastering a piece of her toast onto his shirt. Not having enough time to even take the blame she ran off telling him to...


Collection of oneshots: 1) Saigo ni, Kimi Dake wo Hiro has been inseparably bound up with his selfish friend from his childhood. He is called and comforts him whenever his friend parts from his lovers. His friend confesses his love to Hiro only after they fall over the cliff and is going to die... 2) Love Letter An urban delinquent student should transfer to local school by his parents' order. There he is stalked by a rude but pure local student... 3) My Most Beloved is Still You A supervisor and his subordinate love each other. Returning from business tour of 3 months, the beautiful subordinate has become fat... 4) Koi no Sokubaku A new recruit keeps working overtime with his wish to be admitted by his supervisor. But his colleague puts the blame on him. The supervisor gets him mixed up with an industrial spy and tortures him... 5) Late Night Rain Many people have tried to persuade a surgeon of genius to reactivate in vain. The surgeon keeps living in seclusion because he failed the operation of his lover's brain cancer and has a lapse of confidence. One boy starts working as his live-in housekeeper but the boy is his ex-patient of the surgeon and doesn't have much time... 6) A Liar A boy loves his pet, an android. But the android returns sweet nothings to the boy because the android has no feeling. A fire occurs. The android takes his life upon saving the boy. Decrypting the microchip of the android in the cold ashes, plenty words of love are displayed on the full screen... From Aarinfantasy

Childe Cycle - The Spirit of Dorsai

Childe Cycle - The Spirit of Dorsai summary: Childe Cycle - The Spirit of Dorsai summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Childe Cycle - The Spirit of Dorsai. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Faery Tales Of Weir

The Faery Tales Of Weir summary: The Faery Tales Of Weir summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Faery Tales Of Weir. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Woman Warrior_ Memoirs of a Girlhood

The Woman Warrior_ Memoirs of a Girlhood summary: The Woman Warrior_ Memoirs of a Girlhood summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Woman Warrior_ Memoirs of a Girlhood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lost in the Forest: Wandering Will's Adventures in South America

Lost in the Forest: Wandering Will's Adventures in South America summary: Lost in the Forest: Wandering Will's Adventures in South America summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Lost in the Forest: Wandering Will's Adventures in South America. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.








简介我是英国天鹅湖的一只黑天鹅。 和别的天鹅不同,我是最后一只能幻化成人形的天鹅。 一次我从湖里探出头,一枚戒指丢到我面前。为了这枚戒指,我碰上了一个人妖!等我搞清楚人妖的真实身份后还拜他为师,又莫名其妙地成了第一百任女友!
























内容简介:老婆出轨,奸夫上门,三十岁那年,我收到一封神秘的邮件,照尽了人性的丑恶和命运的无情。 利益之下,每个人都面目狰狞。寄人篱下,受尽屈辱,家败人亡之后,我终于在废墟之上苏醒,踏着曾经的天真 ,重新谱写人生的辉煌!1w0-4525 >>


内容简介:  【火爆历史书】大明1619年,萨尔浒之战,杜松兵败后一伙败军逃兵逃离了辽东,逃进关内,一路向西…… 穿越而来的刘恒成为了一名前途未卜的流寇,一不小心干翻了对手,成为一营头目,练新兵 ,当山大王,设关卡,抢士绅……一不小心有了争夺天下的资本,成为女真最害怕的对手……1w0-991 >>


内容简介:   见狂澜之树,挽大厦之将倾....... 灵气复苏,万界争霸..... 武道修仙异能,谁可纵横? 一切,从一个小小的模拟器开始。 巫师世界,仙侠世界,猎魔世界,诸神世界. .......1w0-1762 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者今夜来采菊的经典小说:《千万岁傻白甜》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说接档文《重生后我成了这条街最渣的崽》万千宠爱于一身天真无邪重生受X斯文败类攻 冬长青从盘古开天辟地,一直活到了天庭倒闭,新中国成立。他已经几千万岁了,是个大人了。“修总!我想吃蛋糕!”“好。”“修总!我想买衣服!”“好。”“修总!我想做你的继承人!”“好啊。”冬长青笑眼弯弯的看着他,“你对我这么好,是因为我长的像他吗?”修总脸色阴沉,手掌紧握,“……是。”冬长青举着镜子美滋滋的笑。有男神同款真开心1w0-74215 >>


内容简介:强强1V1高智商多马甲大佬女主·vs妖孽腹黑深藏不漏影帝男主各路大佬都以为姜白只是一个普普通通的医学博士,结果被对方的马甲砸死在了地上。某次名流宴会上,姜白晃着红酒,轻笑着打了个响指, 下一秒,大门被人从外破开,女子顾盼生姿,丹唇轻启“说了,最好不要惹我。”震惊大佬一???说好的背景小白,普通家庭呢???卑微大佬二球球!球球姜探长放过我家公司!!蒙圈大佬三J、J…J神???掉马现场姜白我只想拿着我的医学博士学位搞研究。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《满级大佬掉马日常》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82344 >>


内容简介:  苏辂,人在北宋,老家眉山。生为衙内,苏辂从小锦衣玉食、娇生惯养、胸无大志,只吃得下软饭,正积极找人接盘,让自己后半辈子可以继续当一条没有理想的咸鱼。对于自己的未来,他已经做好万全的 规划:要是实在找不到养得起他的老婆,他不介意继续留在家里啃老。七岁那年,苏辂回到老家,赫然发现自己两个堂哥一个叫苏轼,一个叫苏辙。苏辂眉头一皱,觉得此事并不简单!***搞笑风,日常流,新人求支持~1w0-3905 >>

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