A mixture of off-the-wall family comedy and bittersweet love story, For the Mermaid Princess is the story of a girl with a gentle manhwaga father, a whip-wielding nutjob of a mother, and four older sisters. When her family moves to a new house, Lee Suelbi discovers just how difficult it can be to balance family, friendships, and love.
There is a competition for those who possess the spirit weapons. Only someone with one of these weapons can defeat another. Enter our protagonist, a clumsy flower girl who one day embarrasses a weapon master... What is our flower girl going to do? What is the purpose of this competition? Is this going to be a really ecchi manga?...
Ahiru was a regular student at Kinkan Academy. Till one day she sees a new shop that has a pretty tutu in the window and the woman who owns the shop Miss Edel gives Ahiru a pendant. Later she see a boy from school whom she thinks of as a prince named Mytho standing by a lake. Suddenly a monster from the lake is about to attack Mytho. Wishing to save him she suddenly finds herself transformed into Princess Tutu. She returns a piece of his heart to him. The next day Miss Edel tells Ahiru that she must become Princess Tutu and find and return all the missing pieces of a pure Princes's heart. Later she meets Princess Kraehe who like Mytho's friend Fakir does not want Princess Tutu to restore Mytho's heart. - Summary from another: Ahiru is a gawky young girl whose passions are ballet and a certain boy who studies it with her. When her clumsiness hinders her performance, she dreams of the miracle that will transform her into a prima ballerina. A spellbound pendant soon answers her prayers, opening an enchanting world of magic and wishes, where Ahiru is the beautiful and graceful Princess Tutu, and she can capture the attention of her beloved Mytho. The two appear destined to be together, but cruel fate has other plans...
From Nakama: Every day, high school student Hanamura Oyoshi is challenged in his part-time job as a helper for the aged. But one day - suddenly - a request comes from Sadamitsu Norihiko, an heir to a large enterprise, for a helper for someone recovering from sickness. From the first day, a bewildered Naoyoshi swears obedience, but their attraction is immediate, and the two share a kiss. But, suddenly, communication comes to a halt and they're no longer able to meet, and when they do meet again, Norihiko has completely changed into another person. A heart-trembling, sensitive love story!
The Diamond Pin summary: The Diamond Pin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Diamond Pin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Plants of Michigan summary: The Plants of Michigan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Plants of Michigan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The August Five summary: The August Five summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The August Five. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Minstrel; or the Progress of Genius summary: The Minstrel; or the Progress of Genius summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Minstrel; or the Progress of Genius. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介: 李察重生在异世界,成为了一一个小贵族家的继承人,总算不是一个碗开局。 可是这个世界好像很危险,北有巨人,南有海族,更有兽人咄咄相逼,人类远称不上强大。 幸好,李察带着英雄无敌系 统总算有了掌控自己命运的能力。1w0-1640 >>
内容简介:少年是朵水仙花,他的美丽动人心魄,他的自恋也情真意切。一万个人见了他都爱他、喜欢他。偏偏有人是第一万零一个。秦步川九岁时,家里住进来个小哥哥。小哥哥貌美如花,人见人爱花见花开,就是没心 没肺还十分自恋1w0-95845 >>
内容简介:小兵提供重生王妃全文阅读全本txt免费下载(无弹窗广告),重生王妃电子书适合手机平板阅读,本站支持网盘、微盘高速免费下载。从现代而来的一缕幽魂,冷眼看着这个朝代的兴衰。为了你,愿意放弃 所有的一切,只求在你心中占有一席之地。空间异1w20274-80656 >>
内容简介:都知道当今皇上喜怒无常,朝中无人敢与之相驳,宫中更是无人敢伴君侧,但也有件让人津津乐道的罕见事儿——和光大师赠了皇帝一幅美人画,甚得皇帝喜爱,被收于景阳宫。自那以后,但凡五官有一处与画 中女子相似之人,都被纳于后宫。但也听闻,无人曾被临幸过,甚至还死了好几个。付家的五姑娘出身不好,自幼胆小如鼠,被传召进了宫,又因坊间对这位帝王的传言,她更是提心吊胆,瑟瑟发抖。紧张之下打碎了景阳宫的一只白玉杯,吓的魂都没了,一张脸血色褪的干干净净。宫人见状,个个闭眼为她默哀,谁知一向淡漠的君王蹲下身子,将付茗颂的手从那堆白玉碎片中握住。付茗颂吓的眼泪不止:“我、我不是故意的,我赔给你…”闻恕抬手擦掉她的眼泪:“你拿什么赔?”他身音低哑,像在压抑着什么似的:“拿你赔给我,可好?”一众宫人面上波澜不动,心中却波涛暗涌,唯有一直伺候闻恕的元公公知晓,这付家五姑娘长了一张跟画中女子一模一样的脸,连眼角那颗痣的位置都分毫不差。后来果然不出元公公所料,付茗颂盛宠加身,冠宠后宫。她害怕,闻恕哄着,她哭了,闻恕哄着,就连晚上做个噩梦,闻恕都抱在怀里哄。闻恕吃饱餍足后,半弯着唇想,美人都是有毒的,栽了一次,却还想栽第二次。1w0-4296 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:都市:我嬴政,开局复苏杀神】穿越到一个历史复苏的世界。在这个世界,每个时代的历史人物都会因为传说而重新化为英灵降临。当嬴政自沉睡中醒来之后却发现。这个世界的华 夏历史出现断层,大康之前无历史?嬴政自始皇陵中醒来看着当年被自己封印的无数历史英豪。就这?杀神白起血杀十万里,一戟镇八方。儒圣孔子妙笔生花,一言敕封天地。强汉盛唐富宋,铁骨铮铮大明朝,无数英豪横空出世。十一区:大大夏为何如此强大,八岐大蛇竟然被那个姓刘的小混混一剑斩了所有头颅。米国:诸位那个自称大魔导师的刘秀谁能把他拉走,他太秀了我们太难了。北极熊:你们那算个屁,我们境内出现了魏蜀吴三个国家,飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80114 >>