I’M A Stand-In Puppet For His Ex-Lover Read Online


Usotsuki Na Gemini

From Shoujo Crusade: Aoi and Rin are twins who are very close to each other. Aoi is a tomboy who is also a big kendo nut while Rin is a budding designer. Aoi, after losing a fight against a former acquaintance, Izumi, decides to hunt him down for a rematch but somehow Rin doesn't like the idea? What does he really see her as?

Parhelia Flagment

Parhelia Flagment summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Parhelia Flagment. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Koibana Kiseki

From DrCoke at MangaHelpers: Boy meets girl, but in this case, the girl is part of a family specializing in fighting evil spirits. Kamishiro Renge battles evil spirits with the help of her assistant cat Tama. The boy is... just a boy. Yuta fell in love with Renge the moment he met her, but will he be able to keep up with her profession? Will she be able to lead a normal life with Yuta?

I’M A Stand-In Puppet For His Ex-Lover

To He Yang, Shen Xiu Zhu is a cinnabar mole, his savior, and the white moonlight in his heart. Xu Cheng Yan, who has been in love with him for five years, is like an insignificant mosquito blood stain, like a substitute meal in the place of Shen Xiu Zhu, a replacement to fill the emptiness of his body. Then Xu Cheng Yan died in an accident, and He Yang waited, only to be met with a cold corpse. Realizing that the past five years together was too short, he wanted to turn back time, but desire didn’t help. Note: 'Cinnabar mole' and 'White moonlight' refers to those that can neither be obtained nor forgotten.

Magic Gems Gourmet

Magic Gems Gourmet summary: Thanks to the G.o.ddess, he was reincarnated into n.o.bility! That should have been great―― but the skill he got, 【Toxin Decomposition EX】 was simply too plain, and he was made fun of everyday at home……
However, at one time, he noticed he could eat the magic stones of monsters with that skill and absorbs their abilities, furthermore, he was informed he was the prince of the neighboring country!
What awaited him at the royal castle was an environment where he could train and experiment with the abundant amount of magic stones, bringing out his strong potential――and finally, even acquiring the ability of the legendary monster, the Dullahan!
Surrounded by an a.s.sertive fiancée and a clumsy knight girl, the new life for the boy who will become a “King” begins!

Will of Heaven

Will of Heaven summary: In 218 BC, near a village in the southeast of the Qin empire, a young man named Han Xin— brilliant, ambitious, and utterly dest.i.tute— is approached by a black-robed stranger who claims to be a divine messenger. On behalf of his G.o.d, he offers the youth his sole chance to fulfill his ambitions in return for a seemingly bizarre favor. But as Han Xin sees more of the world in his path to power, he realizes that he’s part of a far larger conspiracy, rooted in ancient myth and living history, and that his bargain could have far greater repercussions than he’d ever imagined. He and his protege may still be able to save the day, but not without enormous personal sacrifice.

The Bonfire Of The Vanities

The Bonfire Of The Vanities summary: The Bonfire Of The Vanities summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Bonfire Of The Vanities. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ultimate: No Limits

Ultimate: No Limits summary: Ultimate: No Limits summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ultimate: No Limits. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.












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恶魔游戏 管教小甜妻

类别都市 恋爱 霸总 总裁




内容简介:HP之重生灰猊下全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),他曾是战争英雄,曾是伏地魔的魂器,曾是统领着由中立巫师组成的灰衣会的男人——哈利·波特!在经历了死亡、战争1w20274-752 15 >>


内容简介:《深空旅人》南十字星文明联军作战会议上,全息投影介绍着那些神秘的敌人。“他们号称来自地球,无法准确断定属于哪个发展侧向的文明,融合了科技、灵能、神秘等不同领域。”“各位请看,这个身穿红 金色动力装甲的地球人,号称‘钢铁侠’。”“这个一身圣光,挥舞着锤子的地球人,自称‘魔兽圣骑士’。”“这个地球人号称‘神奇宝贝大师’,使用空间折叠技术的球形设备,可以放出一群看上去可爱但是无比危险的电气老鼠。”“嗯,这个绿帽子的地1w0-80714 >>


内容简介:宋太医最小的女儿宋意欢,是艳绝盛京的第一美人,但却胆小怯懦,极为嗜睡,与那卫国公府的世子自小有着婚约。怎知宋太医因药方之误,致使东宫太子中毒昏迷,而后被关押于大理寺地牢。这宋家本就高攀 不起卫国公府,这下又出了这事,卫国公府对此不管不问,盛京人人等着看这场退婚笑话。东宫浴间内,那本该昏迷不醒的太子殿下靠于浴池,神态淡然地瞧向那容色娇艳的美人,她怯怯发抖地掩藏在浴水中,不敢看他。活了两世,才明了这东宫太子惦记她不是一天两天了。1w0-3986 >>


内容简介:  一睁眼,便是人命如草芥的乱世芳华。  墨白是个大夫,但他还来不及去想治世救人,他首先要考虑的是如何在三天后不死。  然后还得考虑怎样才能见一见那已经和自己成过亲,拜过堂,据说国色天 香的老婆?  最后,他还得想个能在乱世之中活下来的谋生之道,他决定了,就干老本行,很快,乱世之中,战火最猛烈的中心地带,一间医馆开张了。  名字还算低调,曰:“天下第一医馆”  ps:群号1599955981w0-2128 >>


内容简介:本文基本日万,还请多多支持呀!接档文《在科技修真界打工的日子种田》,陆岙养子陆舟的故事,求收陆岙是个长得特别好看的小gay,家里父母双亡,本科毕业开了家小超市。一切都很平凡。直到二十四 那年,他那个借了网贷高利贷的相亲对象说是他男朋友,他出去吃宵夜时碰到了收债人员,双方起了冲突,他跳进河里躲避时不幸溺死,变1w0-74671 >>


内容简介:公告栏:今早第一更已更,二更在1900日更文,不用看小红花!小红花不准qwq下一本《她看起来很好吃》,前十章发红包,麻烦收个藏呀〃▽〃·傅一言十八岁生日时,傅妈妈严肃说:“儿子,有件事 我们一直没敢告1w0-29117 >>

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