Set in a 'futuristic, yet feudal Japan,' and stars a samurai named Afro for his hair. The story follows Afro as he tries to avenge his father's murder. In the world of Afro Samurai, it is said that the one who becomes 'Number One', will rule the world, wielding powers akin to a god. Someone becomes Number One by killing the previous Number One and taking his ceremonial headband. However, the only rule in this world is that only the 'Number Two' (also designated by a sacred headband) is allowed to fight the 'Number One.' The downside of this is that anyone (and typically everyone) can challenge and try to kill the Number Two, to gain the right to move forward and challenge Number One. Afro Samurai's father was the old Number One, until he was challenged by a gunman, 'Justice' (who was then Number Two), who fought him in a duel to become the new Number One. At the time the gunman challenged his father, Afro had only been a child. The gunman severed his father's head right in front of the young Afro. Now an adult, Afro Samurai is the current Number Two and a master swordsman; he travels the road seeking revenge on Justice, the current Number One. Lengthy flashbacks interspersed throughout the story detail how Afro rose from frightened boy fleeing the death of his father, to master swordsman, and eventually to become the current 'Number Two', while the story in the present deals with the adult Afro making his way to the mountain top keep of the 'Number One' to duel Justice, while at the same time the mysterious cult known as the 'Empty Seven Clan' sends various agents to kill Afro and take his Number Two headband.
Prologue summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Prologue. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Atsuki Tajima needs a job to help his family.Following the advice of his friend, he goes to an interview with the president Fujikura, that manages a big company.But the poor Atsuki doesn't know that the director wants to give him a strange job...he has to become his lover!!What will happen between the two men?!
Jennie Gerhardt summary: Jennie Gerhardt summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Jennie Gerhardt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Being a Boy summary: Being a Boy summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Being a Boy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon summary: Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ravens. summary: Ravens. summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Ravens.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介: 苏叶成了书里女扮男装的小皇帝,是恶毒女配不说,还是短命到没活过第一集的那种。 为了活下去,她决定一定要抱紧男主大大的大腿,却发现,女主大大重生回来了。 面对男主,苏叶想逃:男主 大大你醒醒,你是是女主的! 面对女主,苏叶想哭:她只想抱大腿活到最后一集,没想把男主大大拐了的,真的~~ 有一天,百官发现他们的皇帝怀孕了,举朝震惊,还没反应过来又发现,他们的皇帝带球跑了。 摄政王咬牙:“女人,你要带我儿子去哪里?”1w0-1460 >>
内容简介:陆沉看《海贼王》的时候,总有种不适感,少年的热血和男人的浪漫背后,是血和泪和隐于迷雾里的真相。“靠着几个我不服我就要打败你的愣头青,就能打败一群野心家?还不如让我来”。陆沉一觉醒来,“ 不是吧,真的让我来?行吧,反正来都来了。”PS本书改编胡说,剧情和时间线到处乱开花,先自觉谢罪(笑)。1w31404-74362 >>
内容简介:沈砚浓穿越成入宫第二天就死了老公的寡妇。十七岁的孤女太后,还带着莫名其妙赖上她的拖油瓶幼帝,沈砚浓深知自己能不能活下来全靠太傅顾行宴的一句话,为了活命,她只能抱紧这奸臣的大腿。奸臣说东 ,她不敢往西。奸臣杀人,她望风。狼狈为奸,无恶不作。还要每天对着这奸臣花式尬吹彩虹屁。沈砚浓本质其实只是想刷点好感度,以求顾行宴看在自己乖巧可人的份上放自己一条生路。可能演的太逼真,吹的太真情实意,恍惚间连沈砚浓自己都信了。小剧场沈砚浓正在偷偷地罗列顾行宴的十大罪状前日在御花园摔倒,被奸臣搂腰——孟浪放肆,轻薄太后!昨日在御书房批奏折,奸臣用了她的杯子喝水——以下犯上,轻薄太后!今日——余光瞥见某人走进来,她立马收起自己的小本本,转头一本正经的对着在练字的儿子胡说八道“太傅于危难之中扶你上位,你一定要记住这份恩情,日后要勤政爱民,不要辜负太傅期望。”便宜儿子被洗脑过度,竟然认认真真答道“母后放心,儿臣定会像尊敬父皇一般,尊敬太傅。”顾行宴笑而不语。沈砚浓这倒也不必。下本求预收:《正妻》文案:十六岁听从父母之命嫁给了门当户对的镇国公府世子,婚后公婆慈爱,夫君对她怜爱有加,一年后就生下了嫡长子,唐云舒的人生就和她的名字一样美好幸福。直至夫君一次出征后从战场上带回了一个女人,容貌艳丽,楚楚可怜,第一次见面就叫她“姐姐”。一开始是恩人之女无人照料,所以在府中借住,她信了,吃喝住行亲自打理绝不怠慢;然后被她发现两人从同一个房间出来,他解释是喝多了,她不追究主动给了女子名分;之后公主招婿,他说他需要借此获得陛下的信任,她认了,从正妻变成平妻,在国公府身份尴尬的过着;从京都城最让人羡慕的女子变成街头巷尾的茶余饭后,唐云舒自问从不曾做过对不起任何人的事情,可惜她的容忍和贤惠,换来的不是感恩,而是别人一次又一次的得寸进尺和伤害--温柔的人一旦心智坚定了,便是谁也劝不回的,便叫他们知道,这世界最柔软脆弱的是女子,最坚韧狠心的也是女子。一纸合离书,自请下堂,她再次名震京都,然是非对错自有人评说,她满心只想找到失散的儿子……只是本以为孤单的旅途,不知何时多了个多话的男人,整天在她耳边叽叽喳喳,吵的她放弃了游历的想法,被他骗回了家。直至最后她才明白,原来不争,只是因为不爱。PS:前面有多憋屈,后面就有1w0-77536 >>
内容简介: 这是 一个属于弓箭手的传奇,不朽王座史上唯一的弓箭手意外陨落,降临九州,开启一条前所未有的箭道之路。 世人眼中箭为小技,难成大道?我不信!我的箭可破日月铸通天之路,因为我就是箭魔 !1w0-614 >>