Taranta Ranta Read Online


She's Gon

One day while playing videogames, a strange creature called Didi approaches Yu Yong Gi and claims he has a chance of becoming a Hero of 0.05%. And as such she has to aid him in becoming one. She starts showing him the evils of being a Hero, and after a while Yu Yong Gi realizes she is actually attempting to deter him from that path rather than aid him. With the cat out of the bag, she confesses she is a minion of the Dark Lord, meant to make sure he never wishes to become a Hero. Does the average Yu Yong Gi actually pose such a threat to the Devil Lords plans?


1) Crossroad : Sol, fiance to Prince Ni, is about to have a wedding ceremony. Suddenly, she said she wanted to go for a trip and the idea was denied. She couldn't give up on the idea and tried to run away from the castle... Heart warming romantic love fantasy 2) Treasure 3) Mystery 4) Entrust!

My Young Cat And My Old Dog

Episodic Pet Stories Adorable, yet heart-breaking original webcomic

Taranta Ranta

The main character is named Hikaru. She misses her dead brother and speaks to him in her mind as she begins her first day of high school. Here she has many ordinary adventures. She becomes fast friends with a girl named Nene, who lets nothing stand in her way and pushes Hikaru to kiss her new crush, Michiya, who reminds her of her brother. He lets her kiss him, which as it turns out is not a good sign. He seems to be a jerk, whose personality is nothing like Hikaru's brother's. Michiya's best friend Jun warns Hikaru ahead of time. Later, Hikaru finds out the bad side of her new friend Nene. When Hikaru understandably gets upset about this, Nene gets angry at her and tells her to find another friend..

Starting Anew As The New Me

Starting Anew As The New Me summary: The Demon Lord who unified the Demon Realm, Dalewatts, starts his invasion of the Human Realm to bring it under his rule. At that time, the announcement “The one that shall pull out the Angel’s Sword will become the hero and defeat the Demon Lord” circulated through the Human Realm. Dalewatts, who heard about this, transferred his soul and magical power into a human body and slipped into the ceremony to try and destroy the hero and the sword himself, but there was no one who could pull out the sword. The onlookers were also made to partic.i.p.ate in the ceremony and when Dalewatts’ turn came, with no way to escape anymore, he helplessly grasped the sword, then, at that moment, after his magical power got absorbed by the sword the spirit inhabiting the sword, Erin, appeared and the sword fell out. By pulling out the sword he got recognized as the hero and his life of subjugating the Demon Lord started…… However, that Demon Lord is he himself. Thus the mysterious adventure of going to defeat himself began.

Elemental Kingdom

Elemental Kingdom summary: In the land filled with magic, only one kingdom shall dominate all.

Shokubutsu Zukan

Shokubutsu Zukan summary: If a beautiful girl could fall from the sky in front of a boy, why couldn’t a hot boy in front of a girl?
On one day, a captivating boy appeared on the road.
“My name is written as the tree (樹), p.r.o.nounced as Itsuki. Miss, if you don’t mind, may you take me home? I won’t bite, and I’m well-mannered.”
This was all Sayaka heard from this gorgeous male stranger, but this was enough.
Their everyday lives together gradually became irreplaceable. Let this flower bloom, and this relationship grow!
Through the growing weeds and flowers on the road, the sweetest, deepest, newest love novel is born!
Originally a love novel hosted on from Kadokawa web novel house sari-sari (ケイタイ小説サイト「小説屋 sari-sari」) from June 2008 to April 2009. The light novel was released in 2009 after the compet.i.tion of the web novel.

The Rover Boys on a Hunt

The Rover Boys on a Hunt summary: The Rover Boys on a Hunt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rover Boys on a Hunt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.






























简介改编自网易文学作者 清尘淡出 作品《猎爱游戏:总裁情难自禁》 她是单纯温和的乖乖女,他是庞大财团流放多年的帝少。有天她被爱了五年的未婚夫劈腿,一气之下她嫁给了传说中有生理缺陷的未婚夫同父异母的哥哥。


内容简介:沂城陆家丢了个女儿,千辛万苦寻回后他们恨不得把星星月亮都给摘下来,各种限定衣服首饰全都搬到她面前任她选择。陆星摇看着那一大堆亮瞎眼的东西,面无波澜道:“给我一间书房吧,里面塞些英文原著 就行。陆家人:“?”陆星摇:“哦对了,我能不能跳个级?”陆家人:“???”陆星媛是假千金,整天提心吊胆的就怕陆星摇把自己赶走。某天她把陆星摇带到自己房间,小心翼翼地开口:“你看看你喜欢什么?都给你!”紧接着她看着陆星摇脸上几不可见地划过一分嫌弃,“不用了,我不喜欢。”陆星媛急了,“我以后不会和你抢衣服珠宝的!陆星摇:“……你要的话都给你。”她只想要天文望远镜,满满当当的图书馆,再不济,一本五三也行。文案2:景延说她不好哄,陆星摇不以为然,他才是真的难哄好吗?哄这个大少爷开心一下的难度在不断上升,到最后已经难到她还不如去做个研究实验来得快。毕竟,这位景大少爷根本不知道什么叫做适可而止。1w0-4287 >>


内容简介:官场之风流秘史(官场秘史)是作者太阳跟月亮所写的其他小说类小说本站提供官场之风流秘史(官场秘史)全文阅读致力于打造最好的官场之风流秘史(官场秘史)无弹窗小说吧如果您发现官场之风流秘史( 官场秘史)更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w59624-78685 >>


内容简介:茜瑶的胆子很小,可她姐姐就喜欢给她讲各种恐怖故事。简直了,为什么啊姐姐,我到底做错什么?之后她意外来到类似恐怖直播间一样的地方。必须通关99个副本,才能回到原来的世界。这就罢了,为什么 在这里直播的剧情背景旁白音是姐姐在讲故事啊!ORZ不行了,她要死了,看来是没办法活着出去了。立意只要多一点勇气就能冲破迷雾,找出真相。1w0-81582 >>


内容简介:  景言曾是景家最优秀的天才,十六岁突破武道九重天踏入先天之境,整个东临城无人能比,却莫名其妙在进入神风学院后境界跌落,成为笑柄。解开乾坤戒封印,重新崛起,最终制霸天元大陆,成为无数武 者仰望的存在。1w0-462 >>





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