Guard Youth Read Online


Glittering X-Mas Story 2003

This is a short furoku book that came with Hana to Yume magazine. It contains two Christmas stories. 1. Dakedo Happy Paradise ~Side Story~ 'Anyways Happy Holidays' 2. Angel Love Song Mizuho is a young girl who just had an argument with her boyfriend, Kei-chan. On the way home, she met a guy with a guitar from the greenhouse who called himself Tenshi. Mizuho took him home and asked him to form a group for the competition to win a cruise dinner so she could make up with Kei-chan. So will Mizuho get back together with her boyfriend, or will something else spark? It was also included in Bloody Kiss v1 tankoubon (2006).

Orange Delivery

Through middle school, best friends Miho Shirokawa and Miho Yoshii bowled together. But since Miho Yoshii has moved to a high school in Hokkaido, Miho Shirokawa just hasn't enjoyed bowling like she used to. One day Yoshii calls to talk about her interest in a new sport-- curling! Yoshii's high school curling team has decided to try to make it into the next olympic winter games! Shirokawa thinks about quitting bowling and joining a curling team as well, but unfortunately, there isn't one at her high school. At least, there isn't until Shirokawa accidentally sells the idea to a former figure skater, Rin, and her friend Endou. Before she realizes what's happening, Shirokawa's has become the founding leader of her school's Curling Club! How will she face all the difficulties of starting up the team, when she only has the vaguest idea of what the sport of curling is even about?! [tethysdust]

Tasogare Wa Karera No Jikan

Unbelievably gorgeous, Ritsuto Okumura has always been able charm anyone whether he wants to or not, even to the point of obsession. Although he is the only member of the current Okumura family who possesses this arcane ability, he dresses conservatively and even obscures his appearance with glasses trying to counteract this strange allure as it only seems to bring him hardship. Against his better judgement he uses his charms to help his cousin with a client who then tracks him down at his workplace, completely infatuated with Ritsuto. While wondering how to safely escape from his stalker, a striking man with long black hair named Luka appears and tells Ritsuto to order his stalker to leave him alone...and he does! Desperate to understand what just happened, Ritsuto follows Luka to his hotel room but instead of explaining Luka pushes him down and tells him, 'I want you....It is your destiny to become mine,' and thus begins a darkly erotic tale of unearthly love.

Guard Youth

When the otaku Shim Suho went to pick up the courier, he met Kim Sang Hyuk, a very young and handsome apartment guard. Crit! Suho, who fell in love at first sight, rushed directly to Sang Hyuk. But something always feels wrong about this relationship.. Funny, love and thrilling, although the cliffhangers are painful, it is a story that can catch a reader attention Honestly it's just a super dumb horny dude with no life other than be dumb and horny is inlove lol +

How to Do It

How to Do It summary: How to Do It summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of How to Do It. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My First Picture Book

My First Picture Book summary: My First Picture Book summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of My First Picture Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Gacha Sovereign

Gacha Sovereign summary: Alexander Sirius’ life has. .h.i.t rock bottom, his parents hate him, he lives under the shadow of his genius sister, and even his own girlfriend cheats on him, all this changed when he gets another chance.
Transported to Another World? Cultivation World? A Modern World? How about all of them? From countless planets in the Universe, Each planet has its own technology, culture, and civilization.
In another world, carrying all the traumas with him, would he manage to reform himself and become the sovereign of his life?
«Okay, what can you do?»

Sketches of the East Africa Campaign

Sketches of the East Africa Campaign summary: Sketches of the East Africa Campaign summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Sketches of the East Africa Campaign. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.












简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 狐》:本篇讲述了白天扮演纨绔的富二代,晚上化身为“狐神”的主人公,与黑暗世界大战的故事!(每周一、周四更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——黄/灰/初/黑,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294




不是用血缘而是用墨水凝聚的家人。 他们贪图的不是我,而...




简介玩世不恭的少年在“偶然”的死亡后结识了神秘的少女,为了复活许下了看似简单的条件,但是未知的险恶早已悄然所致…… 每周6更新 群:180521019 154130913 290666479












内容简介:  愿提掌中剑,斩却心头恨。  这是一个穿梭各个经典武侠故事中的故事……1w0-824


内容简介:蒸汽朋克、魔法秘术、月份正神、诡境恩赐,这是新世界的关键词。时间已经匆匆来到了第十八纪元的末尾,岁月史诗翻到了最后一页。浓雾笼罩的天空下,穿越者睁开了迷茫的双眼。世界树尚且幼小,蒸汽工 业根植于错综复杂的三大王国;双生恶魔来到人间,在阴影与低语声中,充满恶意的窥视着世界;不死人潜藏于都市,仰望灰雾笼罩的天空,叹息无辜者的枉命;真实的幻影端坐在帷幕之后,静待最终之日的来临;命运舞台之上,人影闪动,主演之位尚不可知;异乡人仰望双月,天使和邪物在天空共舞;英雄手提圣剑,哀叹终将到来的灾祸;无冕之王藏身阴影,暗自操纵世界的变局;午夜的钟声敲响,猫咪窜上黑袍者的肩膀,前方,是未知的前路。1w0-126787 >>


内容简介:万人相亲大会踩踏事件,不幸将年近30的唐玲踩回20年前。再次睁开眼的她,无意间契约了小鼎,有了洞悉一切的“鬼眼”,包治百病的手艺,后续源源不断的异能逐渐浮现!她不再是那个胆小懦弱,不被 人重视,任人欺负的木讷女!同学的欺负?开什么玩笑,我不欺负人,你们就感恩戴德吧!老师的忽视?没关系!校长重视就行了!亲人的嫌弃?嫌弃我?哼!早晚让你们学会,什么叫巴结!重生后因无意间契约了小鼎,小鼎的出现,却引来一连串的“怪咖”争相认主!这些东西到底是什么?它们的出现又会给唐玲带来什么样的影响?玩赌石,买古玩,指点前程,妙手回春!这一切都注定使她走向一段绚丽而又精彩的人生!乱世出枭雄,盛世出人才!当枭雄与人才汇聚于一个人身上,这世界将会有怎样的改变!这是一个普通重生女,利用异能与智慧,不断成长,游走于黑白两道之间,撑起属于自己的商业帝国的传奇!且看她如何使用异能,一步步将这世界玩弄于鼓掌之中!本文涉及黑白两道,玉石古玩,校园商战,神器修仙,前世今生。文风以正剧为主,玄幻为辅,不喜误入,结局一对一!都市励志爽文!注重女主成长史,坑品保证!若感兴趣,请点击收藏!三少已全副武装,坐等大家来扒!注意:重生之鬼眼商女为书友上传秦三吧作品,小兵无遮挡广告、无弹窗,页面简洁让我们畅快阅读重生之鬼眼商女无弹窗全文阅读,剧情丰富精彩,角色刻画细腻,世界观宏大,欢迎品鉴。1w0-27775 >>


内容简介:唐佐穿越了。穿越到斗罗大陆的世界。成为唐三的哥哥(非亲哥,但两人不知道)他长着和宇智波佐助一模一样的帅气脸庞。武魂觉醒仪式上,他觉醒了写轮眼,和……十拳剑。唐佐不鸣则已,一鸣惊人当他开 启第三武魂与系统后,整片大陆开启了他的无敌时代。ps本文单女主宁荣荣,书友群799204164ps本文起点首发1w0-7320 >>




内容简介:  邪祟横行,世人苦难,宗门世家,割据一方,在这黑暗乱世,脑海里的异能,成了陆难唯一的依靠。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。无数年后,当陆难回首前尘,发现身后是早已经消散的敌人,以及满地枯骸。 ps:诡异世界,无/单女主,黑暗风。1w0-1930 >>

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