Ceres: Celestial Legend Read Online


Suki, Kirai Demo Suki

Stupid, poor and tease but I really love that guy… A compilation of six pure love awakening stories!! Isourou Otokowari – Anri Yuuka A NEET (not in education, employment or training) stumbled in a poor cafetaria and has been living there ever since. Poor and good for nothing… but somehow, what is this feeling…? Number girl No.2 Sister – Sakurai Machiko A younger sister who learns by looking at her brother’s back. What if she happens to fall in love…? Yubikiri no Binetsu – Kitagawa Yuka I started to fall in love with the dull and indifferent art teacher. Yasashikutte, Sugoku baka – Miyoshi Maki A king was broken hearted from a childhood friend, and came today to heal it to my public bath. (He doesn’t know what one feels!) Suiyoubi wa himitsu – Ootomo Nana There’s a secret class on Wednesday nights, something one can’t say at all. A secret unfaithfulness… “A lesson on how to kiss…” I just love you – Ichinose Ruka To hide behind pure poems, it was a fun thing to do! But… What if there’s someone I love…?

Aimane - Akuma Na Kanojo O Produce

Souta Inui is a manager at Megapro talent agency, an agency responsible for turning young, beautiful women into stars. Inui, however, spends his time at the office ogling posters of the idols his agency manages, and has yet to bring in any new talent or take on a single client himself. When told to go to the streets and scout talent, Inui falls and unwittingly grabs ahold of a devil girl's tail, at the same time asking her to join his talent agency. Now bound by contract, the girl has no choice but to abide by his wish, making it her goal the become the number 1 idol in Japan. But who is this girl? Why is Inui the only one that can see her tail? Is she really a demon aged many thousands of years? No matter the reason or history, it's now up to Inui to turn this aggressive devil with a (literally) killer voice into the number 1 idol in Japan.

Daisuki No Yukue

'Let me be the only one in your eyes. Don't draw anyone else except me...'

Ceres: Celestial Legend

Aya and her twin brother Aki thought they were going to a celebration of their sixteenth birthday at their grandfather's home, but the funeral-like atmosphere tips them off that something's not right. Their 'birthday present' turns out to be a mummified hand--the power of which forces an awakening within Aya, and painful wounds all over Aki's body! Grandfather Mikage announces that Aki will be heir to the Mikage fortune, and Aya must die! But Aya has allies in the athletic cook and martial artist Yûhi, and the attractive, mysterious Tôya. But can even two handsome and resourceful guys save Aya when it's her own power that's out of control?

Life in the Clearings versus the Bush

Life in the Clearings versus the Bush summary: Life in the Clearings versus the Bush summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life in the Clearings versus the Bush. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Isekai Izakaya Nobu

Isekai Izakaya Nobu summary: Imagine there is a bar with many weird kind of food and drink that might bring you to another world! The bar, so-called “n.o.bu” is located in a alley of the old city Aiteria. At the very first step, diners feels like falling into another completely country, with cold, super cool beer, so-called “toriaezu Nama”!

The Argonauts of North Liberty

The Argonauts of North Liberty summary: The Argonauts of North Liberty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Argonauts of North Liberty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Junius Unmasked

Junius Unmasked summary: Junius Unmasked summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Junius Unmasked. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


































内容简介:元旦开个抽奖活动,感谢各位小天使的支持,爱你们原题目为《舔到最后全部都有》,因和谐要求,现改名为《下一个更乖》陆西烛是个舔狗,上舔高冷男神,下舔傲娇小狼狗,只要长得好看,他都喜欢!陆西 烛的座右铭就是:汪汪,我想给每个帅气哥哥一个温暖的家然而就在他快要舔成功的时候,却意外遭遇车祸身亡,被“贝戈受系统”强行绑定,只有完成全部任务才能重获新生。“贝戈受系统”是什么样?就是必须把渣攻虐我千万遍,我待渣攻如初恋,绝对不能OOC!可是每次绑定的宿主,最后都因为无法适应角色,而导致任务失败。这次系统瞄准了陆西烛,检测到他身上的“舔狗”特质约等于贝戈受,便利用复活的条件与他签署了绑定协议。第一个世界:霸总的白月光替身脸俊、腿长、腰有劲儿的霸总扔给陆西烛一张卡,神色冰冷:这是给你的报酬,别痴心妄想自己不该得到的东西。陆西烛双手捧住黑卡,激动地眼泪汪汪:以前都是我给别人花钱,没想到有一天会让男神给我花钱!继续舔!在游乐园门口苦苦等待霸总三个小时,却只等来被白月光截走的霸总的一条短信:有事,来不了,自己回去。陆西烛有些沮丧,转头就跟新舔上的温柔精英男发去信息:哥哥,睡没睡呀?第二个世界:仙尊的炉鼎俊绝五峰仙山的仙尊在双修之后,让人给陆西烛送去了灵丹妙药,却不曾有一句问候。处于贤者时间的陆西烛迷蒙地盯着帐顶:爽,白白占人便宜,还能有好东西拿,这种好事请再来无数遍。跟在仙尊身边见识越来越广的陆西烛留着口水盯着各色美男:哥哥们,要不要来双修啊第三个世界:出轨男的生育工具(ABO)结婚五年,丈夫却爱上了他弟弟,非要同他离婚。弟弟身体不好却一直想要一个可爱的孩子,前夫便把注意打到了他的肚子上。陆西烛一边享受着前夫虚假的温柔,一边筹谋着:不是想要个孩子吗?那不是你的应该也没关系吧他看着浑身荷尔蒙爆棚的前夫大哥和年纪稍微大了点却懂得疼人的单身前夫父亲:不知道前夫是想当叔叔还是想要当哥哥呢?——————预收文分割线《我凶狠恶毒但身娇体软》,求收藏林璧原本也是一个集万千宠爱于一身的OMEGA,却在二十岁那年突然身患基因病,终日只能坐在轮椅上忍受病痛的折磨。绝望之下,他决绝地选择亲手结束了自己的生命,却没想到再睁开眼竟穿越到了另一个世界。系统告诉他,他要扮演的是恶毒反派,不仅要欺负男主,还要欺负男主的竹马竹马、蓝颜知己、朱砂痣……兢兢业业地充当男主的磨刀石,同时又必须保护好男主的安全,决不能让他损命。直到男主成神,就将在这个世界获得一个全新的、无病无痛的身体。天上掉馅饼的事儿林璧怎么可能错过,他半点没有犹豫地接下了这个任务。然而他没想到的是,男主竟然因为他的穿越获得了新技能——读心。(林 >>


内容简介:第一次见面,她穿着白色蓬蓬裙抱着洋娃娃坐在秋千上,乖巧的喊他魏叔叔。最近一次见面,她穿着他的衬衫从卧室走出来,晃着两条细白的腿,抱着他的腰喊他老魏。这一切是怎么发生的呢,魏淳光竟然有些 想不起来了。妖孽少女VS厚黑学大师每天早上十点更新,欢迎收藏!微博:何甘蓝各位书友要是觉得《她给的假象》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96734 >>


内容简介:她被色狼骚扰,他砍了那人一只手;她被上司欺负,他砸了那家公司;他给她最奢侈最极致的宠爱,冷眼看她一步一步沦陷,他用宠爱画地为牢,将她一点点圈禁。“别……”她颤声躲避,他却步步紧逼,他将 她捧上天,却也亲手将她推下万丈深渊。“放过我……”她无路可退,也无力去爱,他却邪魅一笑,“你逃不掉的。”1w0-86976 >>


内容简介:  回到了三百年前的大清康熙五十八年?康熙:朕还想再活五百年!宁渝:去死吧你!读者群:961378766 进群口令:伐清1719VIP粉丝群:973851485,加群同学需提供订阅截 图哦,感谢支持!1w0-928 >>


内容简介:“叮咚——”“欢迎进入神级盗墓系统,请您选择职业——1摸金校尉2发丘中郎将3卸岭力士4搬山道人”“1啊,果断摸金校尉,选1啊!”“叮咚——职业选择成功,请接收第一个初级任务,挖掉你隔壁 老王家的祖坟——”各位书友要是觉得《神级盗墓系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦1w23869-108826 >>

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