Kakene Nashi No Love Torihiki Read Online


Kakene Nashi No Love Torihiki

Story 01) Kakene Nashi no LOVE Torihiki (A Love Transaction without Overcharging): Since Ami Kirisawa's father passed away, she's had to make it on her own. Now she's built a reputation as an enterprising young woman who will do anything for money. However, when Ruka Hakomori (of the Hakomori Financial empire) makes assumptions about how much of Ami his money can buy, Ami fearlessly proves him wrong. Ruka decides he wants her to help him get out of a marriage interview, but opposing Ruka's ruthless parents isn't going to be easy, no matter how fearless Ami is. Story 02) Kokoro Goku Ama-jitate (Very Sweetly Cut Heart): Suzuko runs into Riki-kun while shopping for Valentine Chocolate. When he learns that she doesn't have a boyfriend, he asks her to give him chocolate that day. The two become close but will Riki-kun's fanclub grows jealous and will do everything they can to separate them. Will they succeed or will love triumph? Story 03) Kyokou Shinwa ~Sekando Reipu~ (Made-up Myth ~Second Rape~): This is a serious story about the effects of rape. Wakana is a shy and unspectacular girl who has been text messaging the spectacular Taku for three months. Suddenly, Taku suggests that they meet, and when they do... he rapes her. Wakana goes to the police, only to go through 'second rape' -- the doubts of others who think she brought it on herself.

Tokyo Bardo

It is the fate of the Hirasaka family to protect a barrier underneath Tokyo that separates the human world from the demons of another world. One day, an incident in the underground tunnels claims the lives of 6 civilians and a Hirasaka. The mass death and the mysterious circumstances under which it occurred have been hushed up by some powerful, but unknown, people. These people seem to be dismantling the barrier the Hirasaka family has fought so hard to protect, and it is up to the remaining Hirasaka to stop them. From Anime News Network: The story revolves around an underground barrier beneath Tokyo that separates our world from the evil spirits of another world. For centuries, the Hirasaka family has been entrusted with protecting this barrier. Within the past ten years, a conspiracy of unknown parties has been dismantling the barrier, piece by piece, and the future of Tokyo rests in one man who vows vengeance.

Shugoreisama Ni Tsuitekoi

Everybody has a protection spirit. Their behavior has a direct influence on the person they protect. For instance, if protection spirit A falls in love with protection spirit B, then host of A will fall for host of B (synchronized effect). Karin has Hiriji as a protection spirit and that's why he doesn't have friends. It all changes when Karin has a little incident and gets help from his sensei (teacher), Takatsugu, who's protection spirit is Nagi. Sensei is the school nurse and can see, hear, and touch protection spirits and (the same as Nagi) was a playboy 'till he meet Karin (Hiriji).

Kakene Nashi No Love Torihiki

Story 01) Kakene Nashi no LOVE Torihiki (A Love Transaction without Overcharging): Since Ami Kirisawa's father passed away, she's had to make it on her own. Now she's built a reputation as an enterprising young woman who will do anything for money. However, when Ruka Hakomori (of the Hakomori Financial empire) makes assumptions about how much of Ami his money can buy, Ami fearlessly proves him wrong. Ruka decides he wants her to help him get out of a marriage interview, but opposing Ruka's ruthless parents isn't going to be easy, no matter how fearless Ami is. Story 02) Kokoro Goku Ama-jitate (Very Sweetly Cut Heart): Suzuko runs into Riki-kun while shopping for Valentine Chocolate. When he learns that she doesn't have a boyfriend, he asks her to give him chocolate that day. The two become close but will Riki-kun's fanclub grows jealous and will do everything they can to separate them. Will they succeed or will love triumph? Story 03) Kyokou Shinwa ~Sekando Reipu~ (Made-up Myth ~Second Rape~): This is a serious story about the effects of rape. Wakana is a shy and unspectacular girl who has been text messaging the spectacular Taku for three months. Suddenly, Taku suggests that they meet, and when they do... he rapes her. Wakana goes to the police, only to go through 'second rape' -- the doubts of others who think she brought it on herself.

No Treason

No Treason summary: No Treason summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of No Treason. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sin Brothers: Total Surrender

Sin Brothers: Total Surrender summary: Sin Brothers: Total Surrender summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sin Brothers: Total Surrender. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heart's Passage

Heart's Passage summary: Heart's Passage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Heart's Passage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Our Home in the Silver West

Our Home in the Silver West summary: Our Home in the Silver West summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Our Home in the Silver West. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁






























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内容简介:季明舒和岑森结婚的第一年,岑森远赴澳洲开拓海外市场。第三年,岑森回国。季明舒朝他脸上扔了一张离婚协议书,妄图结束这段丧偶式婚姻。岑森闭眼按住纸张,安静三秒后又将其压至桌面,神色自若道: “明舒,我尊重你的意见,不过你可能需要我帮你回顾一下婚前协议,离婚以后,你恐怕没办法继续收集稀有皮birkin,坐私人飞机去米兰看秀,眼都不眨拍下十五克拉斯里兰卡帕德玛蓝宝钻戒……”“等等!”季明舒忽然清醒,“我觉得……还能再忍一下。”- 骄纵大小姐x腹黑大boss- 何其有幸,我这一生,能做你的不二之臣。1w0-3938 >>


内容简介:殷灵灵不择手段嫁给自己暗恋了三年的男人,却遭受到被丈夫转手送给其他男人做床伴的厄运!午夜,男人压覆在女人身上疯狂索欢。她无力承受,却不得不承受。哭泣着,哽咽着,瑟抖着,却唯独不敢挣扎。 她怕极了身上这个可怕的男人!“求你,求你饶过我吧!我不会再干扰程明的一切,更不会破坏他的生活。让我离婚也可以,让我离开好不好?呜呜呜!不要这么对我,真的不要!”她没想到自己会被心爱的男人,自己的丈夫程明丢弃在一间公寓里。一间,住着一个白发的妖孽男子的公寓里。白天,白发男子神龙见首不见尾;午夜,饶是殷灵灵将门上了锁,用沙发椅子堵住,白发男子还是能轻易走进来。他的大掌和唇瓣不断地在她身上游荡着,蹂躏着,留下一道道暧昧的痕迹。面对她哭泣的求饶声,他很好心的安慰道:“女人,别哭!你注定做我的女人,所以——别想抗拒!”1w0-81214 >>


内容简介:颜韵一觉醒来穿越到昨晚熬夜看的小说世界里,变成肤白貌美巨有钱堪称人生赢家的女主角。男主角邵叙颜值身高都在线,还是大集团的总裁,最重要的是,他正在对她展开热烈的追求。…………可这是男主复 仇小说,她还是被男主报复虐身虐心的对象啊!!!颜韵:我有一句mmp不知当讲不当讲1w0-27152 >>


内容简介:简介:因为一则招聘启事,李慕走进了一家名叫盛世游戏公司的大门,成为了其中的一名员工,职位……打手。而他的工作内容,就是在公司开发的一款名叫“龙图”的游戏里各位书友要是觉得《网游之全职打 手》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84249 >>

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