Akito and Sakuya compete over everything from how fast their hair grows to who can hold out the longest sexually!
From Dazzling Scans: A collection of interlinked oneshot stories, Yaneura no Majou tells the story of students from Sannosan High School as they are preparing for the Culture Festival. • Lilith Asumi is responsible for writing the play that will be performed this year, but struggles to relate to her own characters—especially that of Lilith the Witch—until she reflects on her relationship between her childhood friend Asami. • Ground Woodpecker Michi loves fortune telling, but when she helps her childhood friend Satoshi with his crush on fellow classmate Mikako by performing a magic trick, something seems strange. Her magic actually works! Satoshi begins to change and even gets the girl; however, Michi becomes obsessed with the bird that she saw while performing the trick... and she joins the bird watching club in order to find it again. • Eve Suzuki Mie is the president of the bird watching club and is assigned to put the yearbook together with committee member and star of this year's play, Kawahara Hisaki—who plays Adam. After getting to know each other, Hisaki-kun discovers that Mie is dating a girl: also named Suzuki Mie, the girl who has been cast in the role of Eve in the play. • Lilith and Venus Mikako has always envied her older sister's relationship with her boyfriend Motomu-kun. Thus, the beautiful Mikako begins dating Satoshi, who seems to possess similar qualities to Motomu. However, when she finds that they aren't so similar after all, she's faced with a crisis. • After Mary, It's Eve and Pandora Rieko, after hearing that Asami is single, confesses to him even though she knows he just broke up with a girl he liked for a long time. After a series of events, she ends up opening the Pandora's Box that she received from her father when she was young. She believes this to be the cause of a series of disasters that happens, but ultimately she's left with...?
Let's go to the offline meet-up with online gaming friends!'MAKOTO' is a middle-aged man and newbie gamer who's excited for his offline meeting with 'Ao', a veteran adventurer who has always been helping him out. However, the one who appeared for the meeting was... an elementary school boy!?
A collection of one-shot yaoi stories 1)The World in Your Hand- Natsuo Kanda's not sure who started the rumors about him being gay, but everyone at his office seems to be talking about it. His only consolation is the escort service he hires every month, and the night of pleasure that follows. This month is different, since his escort is newcomer Masachika. Despite being huge, the childish and puppy-like Chika is exactly what Natsuo needs, and even though it's a business relationship he finds himself growing more attached to the younger man... 2)Our New Year's Event- Actor Keita Otoo has managed to get New Year's Eve off, and plans to spend the night making love to his super cool boyfriend Ryouhei Nemuro. Keita's been so busy lately, they've barely had time to see each other. But with a night of wine and romance planned, what could possibly go wrong? 3)Gaka to Gakyou- Writer Aiji Hirakawa has trouble interacting with others, and so only has one friend, Takafumi Shibata, the son of very wealthy parents. While Aiji struggles, Shibata lives a relaxed life, something that annoys Aiji, even as he tries to suppress his feelings. But when he loses his temper and snaps at Shibata, the drunken Shibata pushes him down and...! 4)My Feelings 5)Beautiful Days
Finding Moon summary: Finding Moon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Finding Moon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Woman Triumphant summary: Woman Triumphant summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Woman Triumphant. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Leap: The Science Of Trust And Why It Matters summary: The Leap: The Science Of Trust And Why It Matters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Leap: The Science Of Trust And Why It Matters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Anarchy Of Marvel summary: A psychotic old man from the future dies while achieving his life 's goal but he us not content. Follow this maniac as he does whatever it takes to get to his goalThis is my first time writing so I 'm trying to get the feel of it, i do not own marvel this is just a fanfic
内容简介:接档文《窃喜》《冬日晚安》求各位富婆预收一下~【今天她又在勾引我】心狠手辣大少爷×娇弱小可爱深城首富江家有小女,身娇体弱,貌美如花。圈子里适龄的公子哥都准备等她十八岁成年后,就上江家提 出联姻,将这朵娇花摘下。不曾想,她早已名花有主。江樱从十六岁开始,就知道自己有个远在北城的未婚夫,长相和家世俱佳,最重要的是性格温润儒雅,长辈们都对他赞不绝口。于是,从青春期开始,极少见人的江樱就对这个未婚夫充满憧憬,不知不觉,早已悄然心动。十八岁,林彻低调回深城。她按耐不住少女心思,偷偷溜到他的画展里想见他一面,不曾想,第一面竟是——他背对着她,坐在黑色沙发上,黑色衬衫冷漠禁欲,手指把玩着雪茄,手背上的纹身嚣张又刺眼,漠然地望着手下人动手收拾着盗画者。他毫无波动,只在停顿时,语气冰冷地提醒“继续。”江樱回来后,做了一晚上的噩梦,醒来以后决议要与这个冷面阎王解出婚约。晚宴上,江樱放弃了一直以来他喜欢的小白花装扮,将裙子改到大腿以上,穿着露背的小黑裙赴约,想惹他厌恶。林彻幽幽地望着她,目光有些玩世不恭,她表面风俗的笑,心里却忐忑至极。终于,他出声,看向侍者“我要一份樱桃肉。”樱桃肉色泽艳丽,香甜多汁。是林彻最喜欢的一道菜。不管是在床上还是床下。预收:《窃喜》斯文败类腹黑名导×单纯可爱美人【1】江柚凭借《金枝》一炮而红,成功斩下影后大奖的当晚,正准备向男神表白。还未到家门口,网上却疯传了一组她和名导沈冽在车内拥吻的照片,一时间“潜规则上位”五个字把她从云端打回谷底。江柚站在雨中,看着林冽的车从身边经过,车窗后的男人慢条斯理地擦着镜片,面无表情地抬起头,一语不发。那一瞬间,她就明白了一件事。被他看上的人,要捧还是要杀,全都在他的一念之间。她根本无从抵抗。江柚一直以为林冽是因为傅远才连带着厌恶自己。直到某天夜里,她打开他的房门,看到发着高烧的男人紧闭着眼,额前的短发被冷汗打湿,放弃了抵抗般的在呓语着她的小名。她惊住,眸光迟缓地落向他的手。已经快被她遗忘的一条红色发圈正静静地躺在他的手心上,伴随着声声妥协:“阿咛,不要离开我。”小剧场绯闻风波的一周后,江柚心理重建完毕再度露面,被各大娱记围堵,有胆大的直接问道:“听说江小姐你是靠潜规则才拿到角色上位的,此事是否属实?”向来柔弱示人的江柚摘下墨镜,语气随意道:“没错。”众人哗然,没想到她竟丝毫不收敛!她娇媚一笑,补充:“不过,是我潜的他。”世人皆以为是她高攀,却根本不知他才是这段关系中卑劣的窃取者。千方百计,悄然窃喜。微博:是废柴糕糕酱1w0-33592 >>
内容简介:某日,一条爆料炸的微博瘫痪——当红影帝季修北和全网黑女星晏兮一同出入某高档公寓。晏兮微博底下一片骂声:白莲花离我老公远一点!炒作请去找别人!第二天一早,晏兮开直播辟谣,一脸诚恳:“爆料 纯属造谣!大家放心,我和你们的老公季影帝绝无半点关系!”然而,她话音才落,镜头里就出现了还穿着睡衣的季修北,手里拿着手机,睡眼惺忪的看着她:“妈又打电话来催,问我们到底什么各位书友要是觉得《影后今天还没承认恋情晏兮季修北》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w87-95314 >>
内容简介:重度游戏宅王浩然重生成为富二代,本想继续当个游戏宅混吃等死,却发现这个世界的游戏类型也太少吧?更悲惨的是,国产游戏竟然还是无法摆脱低劣和卖肉的标签!玩游戏的人被称为不务正业。而被称为电 竞的行业,更是不见任何踪迹。在这个没有格斗、竞速和策略类游戏的世界,游戏宅想混吃等死好难啊!不说了,先搞几个游戏怀念下……猪场:该死,王浩然竟然把游戏的模式改变了,游戏氪金不能变强了,玩家都跑了!企鹅:天,这是LPL的联盟吗?居然是MOBA类游戏,王浩然居然会做这种游戏?我感觉我们的游戏就是叻色!锤头:淦,博大精深的文化啊,竟然把策略战棋游戏做的如此休闲且益智。世界首富:你说啥?一款不氪金,不充值的游戏,年收入达到1000亿美元?1w0-78817 >>
内容简介:一位垃圾星上的拾荒星际乞丐一部神通广大的神秘机器人一处来自上古文明的遗迹一个联系全宇宙的秘密一艘强悍的上古战舰一片神秘背景的宇宙一段跨越亿年的往事一曲不朽的传奇篇章跨越时间的平面,多个 宇宙文明的传奇之谜即将解开,一切尽在《星际乞丐》之宇宙大英雄1w0-68920 >>
内容简介:小兵提供弦三千大神最新作品《我磕的CP每天都在发糖》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,我磕的CP每天都在发糖小说txt下载,我磕的CP每天都在发糖小说笔趣阁,我磕的CP每天都在发糖无弹窗!本站 最新最快更新我磕的CP每天都在发糖小说最新章节。1w0-82193 >>