From Terrad: Kanae, who's just been through terrible heartbreak, decides to take a vacation to the mountains, hoping to take her mind off of things. Her skiing instructor turns out to be more of a comfort to Kanae then anything, and she finds herself slowly opening up to him. Unfortunately, before long, it's time to say goodbye... But this isn't even close to the end of their story!
The story is set in a world were gods control the heavens, giants the earth, and nibelung (a strange looking race) the underground. The main character (Sigurd) wanting to learn what fear is makes his entrance during a battle between the (almost extinct) humans and giants. Things weren't looking good until he pulls out a broken sword that scares even the giants. At the same time, a goddess descends along with a meteor shower. What is the importance of the broken sword who can only be fixed by 'the fool without fear'? What's the mission of the goddess on earth?
Takato Kei is just an ordinary college student, training for an ordinary life, when he falls into a strange and appealing part-time job. He's been hired to tutor a teenage girl at home for 10,000 yen an hour! The girl in question, Fujioka Yukari, is not a high-school student, but a highly successful day trader who has already amassed 170 billion yen! Despite her money and her beautiful apartment, Kei can't help feeling like there's a certain loneliness about the cute teenage girl. She even seems embarrassed of her career, as if her obsession with the stock market and the vast amount of time she spends moving stocks makes her an otaku. Kei may be just the person she needs to help her break out of her isolated lifestyle and acquire the one thing money can't buy - happiness.
First-year junior high school student Tetsu is alone, minding his own business, when a small flying saucer crashes into the classroom. The pilot happens to be a cute space girl named Lan, who looks surprisingly human despite her alien heritage. When she realizes her life forms escaped during the crash, Lan knows she can't recover all of them on her own. So she enrolls in school and joins Tetsu in the otherwise memberless and soon-to-be-defunct biology club. And just like that, THE ALIEN ANIMAL HUNT IS ON! (^___^) [quoted verbatim from the blurb of Volume 1]
Simon Magus summary: Simon Magus summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Simon Magus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Let It Snow summary: Let It Snow summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Let It Snow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Arcadia’s Labyrinth summary:
A boy named Alkain comes to the labyrinth city to become a successful adventurer but loses his life on his first day due to his immaturity. When he woke up again he was in a strange room. There he learns the truth. That the world he had lived in so far was an eroge, and he was the protagonist&h.e.l.lip;
When he knew everything he decided to look for a walkthrough.
This is the story of a protagonist who acquired knowledge of the reality.
William Morris summary: William Morris summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of William Morris. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介每周双更!周五&周六更新! 现代女杀手穿越后重生于仙界废柴---将军府五小姐(少爷)司马幽月之身,由此开启了废柴逆袭模式,一路开挂,收获各类神兽和法器,并在此过程中与各色男主角们相遇…… 《神医五小姐》漫画读者群:626088440,二群:851059663
内容简介:闻栖的老婆出轨了,据对方口述,小三长的那叫一个娇妩动人,美艳绝伦,身段还勾人的很。玩弄她的感情还想跟小三恩爱?想都别想!她当晚就要去会会这个第三者,堵人家门口放言:“要多少钱才跟我?开 个价。”刚洗完澡出来的路晚安,眸眼皆是风情:“嗯哼?”本来准备狠狠羞辱小贱人的闻大小姐,春风一度后,猛地发现对方娇弱无比,身子骨根本经不起折腾。端茶倒水换衣服擦汗,一件不落,她全伺候上了,心里直呼:造孽啊!次日,闻栖随父母去赴世交叔叔的寿宴,听说他们家那体弱多病的女儿也回国了。当她看到盛装出席,脖子上的粉扑了好几层都遮不住吻痕的某小贱人时,吓得够呛!闻父闻母拉着拼命往后躲的闻栖,带到路晚安跟前,笑的一脸慈祥:“小时候你们俩感情可好了,小栖跟条小尾巴一样,睡觉都要黏着你呢……”路晚安揉揉眼前这张通红的脸,丝毫不意外:“乖,叫姐姐”【文里私设成年即可结婚,女主十八岁结婚,现在文里二十四岁,跟女二有六岁年龄差。】1w0-28499 >>
内容简介:拒绝黄赌毒的大好直男一头钻进了恐怖游戏中,谁劝也不听。穿进了游戏不说,结果还TM为了一个buff折了腰。冷静分析帝小少爷受(颜元)x骚包技术帝回形针攻(沈桉容)双智商在线,年龄差为6, 受17没成年。没成年。没成年。1w0-94368 >>
内容简介:自打第一次见了修先生,小鹿姑娘就立下壮志,要把修先生追到手。漫漫追夫路,刚开始,小鹿姑娘就被未来婆婆约谈了。路漫漫看着眼前精致的女人,简直不敢信,她是修先生的母亲。路漫漫整理了心情,在 女人面前坐下。女人端起咖啡,优雅开口“听说,你要追我儿子?”“是!”路漫漫不要怕,这一天迟早会来。“我给你五百万……”女人幽幽开口。就知道,经典桥段要来了,下一句就是离开我儿子。“我给你五百万,千万不要放弃追我儿子!”“啊?”路漫漫心里腹诽,这什么操作。女人看她没表态,“一千万……”路漫漫完全弄不清楚现在的情况啊!“一个亿!”女人再次开价。“一个?亿?!”路漫漫以为自己听错了。“对,事成之后,周氏集团送给你做聘礼!”“周氏?”“对,就福布斯排行榜上的那一个。”女人云淡风轻。“伯母,您难道是想用贫富差距把我劝退吗?”女人摇头,“绝对不是,你能看上修远兮,真的是我们祖上显灵了!”……女人莞尔一笑,“漫漫,辛苦了,我看好你哦!”女人刚离开……“路漫漫!”男人带着几分冷峻又威严声音传来。路漫漫的三魂七魄都被瞬间震出了体外……路漫漫机械转身,“修先生,好巧……”各位书友要是觉得《余生路漫漫其修远兮》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61380 >>
内容简介:【简介】她爱他深入骨髓,从四岁开始她的心里就住进了一个叫裴祁佑的名字。为了他岌岌可危的事业,她甚至不惜自己为陌生夫妇养育孩子。二十年的默默守护,等来的却是他跪在其她女人跟前许下一生一世 的承诺。没人知道她是他结婚证上的另一半,被困在一场有名无实的婚姻里多年。“裴祁佑,你永远不知道为了爱你我究竟付出了什么!”“那就永远不要告诉我。”他说完毫不留恋地甩门而去,她却在客厅里一夜坐到天亮。那一天是她二十四岁生日,离婚协议跟五百万支票是他送她的礼物。离婚后,一个穿着小西装、像足自己的孩子闯入了她平静的生活。郁绍庭,丰城风光无限的钻石级单身汉,却阴差阳错成了她孩子的父亲!“你前夫是我侄女的未婚夫,你是我孩子的亲妈,你说咱俩什么关系?”过往种种屈辱浮现在眼前,她望着这个只手遮天的男人:“你,我要不起。”白筱对裴祁佑的爱,就像她脚踝处的曼陀罗刺青,每走一步就多疼一分。有一天她告诉他:“你只知黑色曼陀罗稀有,却不知道它的花语是绝望的爱。”后来他恍悟,再回头去寻找,那朵曼陀罗却早已凋零在被他遗忘的时光里……——————————【男主】姓郁名绍庭。。。。。【小男主】姓郁名景希。。。。。。【在此特作说明】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《爱你入骨·隐婚总裁,请签字》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w5385-72113 >>