This is a collection of seven oneshot stories which were already published. Released so far... 1) A Million Pound Love: a 80 year-old lady asks a 20 year-old playboy to marry her as a last wish, in exchange for one million pounds. 2) A Fairytale Judas The Nobles can fly, are as white as snow, maybe whiter and even brighter. 3) Noah's Spaceship The eighteen year old Junior is suddenly switched with the fourteen year old Junior. 4) Metal and the Bride Jack is a talented man, or is he?
Collection of oneshots: 1) Mahou Tsukai no Namida Yoichi dies nearly every day... but every time he wake up just with a dream of his death. And why his beloved Shiraku-san appeared in these dreams? 2) Mahou Tsukai no Shippai Yoichi is now living with Shiraku-san, but his air-headed behavior is still causing problems. 3) Koi to Obake no Sodatekata Yorito's parents and their familiar Rurimaru died ten years ago, fighting against evil majinas; and his older brother was injured. Now it is Yorito's task to protect the village against the majinas together with his familiar Himaru. But he is still only 18 years old and Himaru is still weak. He wants desperately to grow strong and be able to protect his older brother. But it seems his older brother is keeping something from Yorito. 4) Muchi to Obake no Shitsuke Kata Continuation of the story about Yorito and family familiars. 5) Secret News Two talked-about newcomers to the General Affairs section are assigned to a sour-faced boss. While working day and night to protect goodwill within the company, they get their hands on some outrageous information! 6) Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
The main character wants to be a hero, but his father is a bum that loses all of their money in gambling, but he was once the ace of the japanese team in handball. He goes to a coach and asks him to take care of his son, because he got into a debt and is running from the yakuza. The coach thinks he's an outstanding talent that has been given to him to coach, and he sends his daughter to pick him. Daigo (the main character) then ends up living with them.
Kyoufu Kansen summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Kyoufu Kansen. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Language Of Sisters summary: The Language Of Sisters summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Language Of Sisters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
An Impartial Witness - A Bess Crawford Mystery summary: An Impartial Witness - A Bess Crawford Mystery summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of An Impartial Witness - A Bess Crawford Mystery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Time Keeper summary: The Time Keeper summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Time Keeper. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A World Apart summary: A World Apart summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A World Apart. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:阅读指南唐茗凭借一手高超的撩汉技巧,从小到大撩来的桃花不计其数。有总裁愿意为她承包鱼塘。也有霸道少主愿意为她一掷千金。风流校草为她守身如玉,痴情男配更是数不胜数。情债无数,全身上下写满 了浑然天成的渣。直到。她遇到了系统。从此在一渣到底的道路上越走越远……本来将于8月22日入V,届时三更送上喜欢的话就点击↓收藏一下吧我就是想弄个框看看我哒存稿(纯爱)23452345一渣到底快穿是原作者逍夜精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新一渣到底快穿最新章节,书友所发表的一渣到底快穿评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持一渣到底快穿书友的观点。逍夜的其他作品:快穿一渣到底您要是觉得《一渣到底快穿》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-60721 >>
内容简介:她是现代美女特工,在执行任务中与犯罪分子同归于尽,穿越到架空古代成了瞎眼的大将军府嫡女。青楼前受辱,被庶妹抢去了未婚夫,赐婚给一个不能人道的嗜杀冷酷的王爷。不过,不是不能人道吗?这玩意 儿这么精神是怎么回事?不是嗜杀冷酷吗?这像只撒娇的哈士奇在她肩窝里拱来拱去的是个什么东东?1w15326-90133 >>
内容简介:中国版《破产姐妹》,双女主!搞笑、欢脱、励志、治愈暖文。一夕破产,含着金钥匙出生的雪千黛,成了光年咖啡店的外卖员。第一天上任,就遇见矜贵优雅的前男友。无家可归的富家千金,带着她的一身奢 侈品行头和一头藏獒,住进了咖啡店的另一个外卖员简妍的家,一个以“开一家淘宝原创设计服装小店”为目标的北服毕业生。雪千黛:为什么不把你的舞台定在米兰、巴黎的T台,我有天才的创想,作为回报可以帮你圆梦。简妍:你是千金,却是破产的,做人要脚踏实地。雪千黛:……人艰不拆。虽然没有王冠,依然是自己的女王。为了淘宝小店,两个女孩脚踩大地,仰望星辰,奋斗,遇见各自的真命天子。小剧场1:雪千黛:我的偶像是大法官鲁斯夫人。简妍:为什么?雪千黛:她曾说,如果你在一个男女比例为4:1的大学里都找不到对象,那就没指望了。所以我前两学期的约会对象就没重复过!简妍:所以,你现在落魄了,最怕见到前男友?雪千黛:……小剧场2:霍云潮:听说你前两个学期约会对象没重复过?雪千黛:造谣!绝对造谣!遇见你之后,弱水三千只取一潮。霍云潮:……乱花丛中过,只为一人心哦。1w0-75596 >>
内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:红衣女鬼敲门索命,开门我兴奋了】出大事了!我叫慕雪儿,我的世界恐怖复苏了。我是夏城校花,安幕集团千金,肤白腿长……咳咳这不重要。我掌握了一张榜单,包括厉鬼榜,驭鬼 榜,技能榜,兵器榜等等。这一天厉鬼榜突然刷新了,榜一出现了一尊鬼王,叫做嫁衣新娘!这是塌天大祸,绝世凶厉,现阶段大明国,甚至整个蓝星都不一定有人能挡住她!……我叫林君,穿越过来没多久,独身一人。半夜却遭到厉鬼新娘敲门索命。打开门,我身后一大家子都兴奋了!这姑娘长得眉清目秀,文文静静的,还有些害羞……就是实力差了点,才鬼王级。姑娘,你知不知道,有种道术叫做拘灵遣将?小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-105838 >>
内容简介:乔念在乔家生活了18年,亲生父母找上门来,一时之间,绕城豪门都知道乔家出了个假千金!真千金多才多艺,温柔善良。假千金不学无术,一事无成。所有人都想看她被赶出豪门后,回到山沟沟过得有多惨 !乔念也以为自己1w1985-103323 >>