It's the year 2020 AD, and Tokyo is a city infested with crime. Women can no longer go out in the streets alone without being victimized. Not wanting their daughter to suffer the same fate, Tsukasa Kozuki's cop parents raise her as a boy. When they are suddenly killed by one of the yakuza's in-fights, Tsukasa is left orphaned on the streets along with her three brothers. With no other options, she goes to the only person she can think of for help: pokerface Ryuji Shirogami, her classmate of 8 years and also the head leader of the powerful yakuza group, Kuryugumi. Ryuji, whose father was also a victim of the same yakuza fight, agrees to take her on as his personal bodyguard. As they set out to find their enemy, Ryuji slaps on an increasing amount of debt onto Tsukasa using all manners of ploys necessary to keep the reluctant Tsukasa by his side.
From Fantasyshrine: Kenshiro and Ryoma are two different polarity types of president! Which one of them is the befitting heir to the Ichinomori Group? I, Kitayama Eita, must infiltrate their respective companies to determine just that! Even if it means I am subjected to sexual harassment, cosplay, and more. What I didn’t expect was for my treacherous body to actually respond to both of them! “Oh, you’re extremely sensitive,” Ryoma said gleefully. “I’ll train you thoroughly to my ideal type,” promised Kenshiro.
Baramon no Kazoku summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Baramon no Kazoku. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Night in the Lonesome October summary: A Night in the Lonesome October summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Night in the Lonesome October. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Life in the Confederate Army summary: Life in the Confederate Army summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Life in the Confederate Army. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
George Du Maurier, the Satirist of the Victorians summary: George Du Maurier, the Satirist of the Victorians summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of George Du Maurier, the Satirist of the Victorians. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Hetty Gray summary: Hetty Gray summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Hetty Gray. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:不正经版首先我应该隐藏自己的身份以猎物的身份出现。再则挑选一个超级天才然后用尽你的一切去培养他最后我可以告诉你的是我得救了!哇哈哈……正经版这是宇宙整体内部的矛盾冲突也是规则运行的自我 修正还是一场光与暗的战争……这是宇宙星系的刹那生灭也是百万年文明的末日求生最后它还是我的加冕!各位书友要是觉得《世界自救手册》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81354 >>
内容简介:本是混吃等死的富家子弟,却家族蒙难,父母失踪,落魄街头。同学欺辱,兄弟反叛,订好的婚约无故作废!一朝觉醒,奋勇向前,我虽良善,但绝不懦弱,我虽医者仁心,但绝不放狼归山!1w0-7476 1 >>
内容简介: 白明萱第一天上班就遭车祸死了,醒来成了一介农女。这一家子缺衣少食,却要砸锅卖铁供懒哥哥读书?不行不行,重新奋斗,决不过苦日子!努力种田,开发美食,带领全家越出农门!1w0-3324
内容简介:一场渡假,被当小姐,回国还撞见未婚夫出轨。她怒然消失离开。五年后,她带着天才萌宝回归。小宝参加钢琴大赛,哪料到,儿子竟然还打着找老爸的算盘。“镜头往这边,把我拍帅一点!我叫唐宝,我的妈 咪叫唐思雨,超漂亮的哦!我今年四岁半,有长得像我,并且,有可能是我爹地的男人,请一定要联系我哦!”说完,还不忘朝镜头道,“爹地,等你哦!”后台,某女人已气疯。几天之后,神秘男人找上门,自称孩子父亲。唐思雨看着这个高大俊美,和儿子一个模子般的男人,她怒了。五年前把她强上的混蛋就是他?各位书友要是觉得《老婆大人要改嫁》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2545-30547 >>
内容简介:一个身份卑微的奴才,得到神奇功法,纵横万古、不死不灭!仙道、魔道、妖道、万族林立,惊才绝艳之辈辈出,百家争鸣,百花齐放。神通惊世,光华璀璨,弹指间毁天灭地。这是一个浩瀚无边的玄幻世界, 光怪陆离,充满了无穷尽的神秘。强者可遨游天地,震慑众生。1w0-84844 >>
内容简介: 选秀那年,她才十三岁,出身寒微,瘦瘦弱弱,跪在一群秀女中毫不起眼,所有人都嘲笑她穷酸鬼,不自量力,可谁能想到,她居然稀里糊涂入被太后选进来凑数。入宫之后,她成了最末流的九品采女,吃 最差的饭菜,穿最简单的衣裳,住最偏远的宫殿。所有人都说她一辈子都见不到皇上,可偏偏,她头一天就被翻了牌。第一回侍寝,她紧张又害怕,把嬷嬷教的全都忘完了,还因为偷吃点心被皇上抓了个正着。这次连她自己都觉得死定了,可偏偏皇上没生气,还让人给她做了许多好吃的送回去。后宫众人:“……”自此,叶思娴过上了谨小慎微、战战兢兢的深宫奋斗生活。明枪也得躲,暗箭也得防,君宠也得争,娃儿也得生……有时候叶思娴也会想,作为一个七品芝麻官的女儿,又这么笨,进宫给皇上当妃子,究竟是幸运,还是不幸?1w0-3443 >>