Kanata No Togabito Ga Tatakau Riyuu Read Online


Bokudake No Peach Sapuri

Cute one-shots that consist of School Boys, Tutors, Twins, and Salarymen. 1) Candid Love Proposition - Takizawa is constantly being hugged by cute younger classmate Teru. Takizawa's gotten used to the attacks, but why does Teru do it? 2) His Tutor and Him - Yuuichi is Naoto's strict tutor, but also his sweet lover. But why is Yuuichi on a date with such a cute girl? 3) Arduous Love Journey - Takumi is so cute he's always being molested by guys at his all-boys school. Childhood friend Ei-chan loves and protects him, but Takumi has developed a fear of sex! 4) A Mutual Embrace - Identical twins Fuuma and Raiha have a very close relationship, but upperclassman Taiga isn't going to give up on Fuuma. Twincest alert! 5) Take Out Happy - Kazuya is dumped and goes on a drinking binge. When he wakes up, he's in the home of single parent Fumihiko. Kazuya finds himself spending more and more time with Fumihiko and young Shunsuke. 6) Very Very Happy Days - Continuation of Take Out Happy.

Sasameki Koto

Sasameki Koto is the story of Murasame Sumika, an intelligent and athletically gifted girl who just happens to be in love with her best friend, Kazama Ushio. Unable to confess her feelings, Sumika can only stay by her side and watch over her. After all, the biggest obstacle to her love is something that she can't change. It has nothing to do with the fact they're both girls; Sumika just isn't Kazama's type! Kazama is only into cute girls and Sumika's cool personality just doesn't fit the bill. Much to her friend's dismay, Kazama is always eager to share news about her latest crush. With the duo's knack for attracting trouble, it looks like Sumika's trials have only just begun.

Ketchup Mayonnaise

From Pink Rose Scans • Ketchup Mayonnaise Atsushi's bar-tending mom remarries to a rich, strait-laced (if not slightly old) salaryman. They move into their new house, and he can now sleep in a bed fit for a Prince! With the union, they've become one big happy family with him, his mom, his new step-dad, his step-dad's kids Peter and Kurara, and the ghost of his ex-wife....wait, what?! • The Spring of Water Maki should be on cloud nine---she's snagged the boyfriend of her dreams after finally confessing her love for him on the train platform, with a little help from her friend Fumika. They've even passed the half year mark in dating when everyone around them predicted they wouldn't last a month. Why is it then that she's starting to get the feeling that this was all a mistake? • Chocolate Ice Cream Sakura's been in love with Niiya ever since she wound up in the same class as him back in elementary school. Niiya, however, doesn't seem to be as enthusiastic about her. So of course, when God gives her the chance to change her face to one he'd madly fall for, she readily agrees! Who does she become? And does she finally get her man after 14 years of unrequited love?

Kanata No Togabito Ga Tatakau Riyuu

From AQUA Scans: A group of scattered people who?ve lived sin-filled lives head off to battle once again after their deaths; each one harboring their own reason to fight? When the fighting is finished and their sins have been atoned for, their souls will be returned to them. Kanata no Togabito ga Tatakau Riyuu is an epic fantasy from a long anticipated new author, and the story of those who fight on and are burdened by the sins from their past.

The Battleship Boys at Sea

The Battleship Boys at Sea summary: The Battleship Boys at Sea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Battleship Boys at Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Song of the Wolf

The Song of the Wolf summary: The Song of the Wolf summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Song of the Wolf. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Appendicitis: The Etiology, Hygenic and Dietetic Treatment

Appendicitis: The Etiology, Hygenic and Dietetic Treatment summary: Appendicitis: The Etiology, Hygenic and Dietetic Treatment summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Appendicitis: The Etiology, Hygenic and Dietetic Treatment. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Deadly Politics

Deadly Politics summary: Deadly Politics summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Deadly Politics. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
































内容简介:她是南离国月家嫡女,被亲妹陷害失贞后毁容夺子!当23世纪的玄门门主穿越而来,自此有怨报怨,有仇报仇!她身怀至宝,契约灵兽,活死人,肉白骨,一手精湛的医术艳绝天下。斗渣男,杀恶女,带着儿 砸活得肆意妄为。直到某一天,突然蹦出一个带娃的妖孽男人。他抵着她在在角落:“女人,你敢偷走本尊一个儿子!”她怒斥:“谁偷谁的?先弄清楚!”他邪肆一笑:“无妨,再生一个,一笔勾销。”1w88387-88403 >>


内容简介:明末这段历史实在是不堪回首,正是民不聊生,国器崩裂!而在崇祯十二年的这天,正当鞑子集中重兵猛攻重镇济南的时候,一群人意外的出现在了硝烟弥漫的战场上。现代军人重回明末战场,摆动胜利的天平 ,改写中华的历史。1w0-4131 >>


内容简介:初次相遇,他害的她丢了工作。再次相遇,她已成了他的员工。外表冷酷的霸道总裁,宠溺起来,简直无法无天。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《凌少的温柔宠溺》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的 朋友推荐哦!1w0-72361 >>


内容简介:尼玛的世界大条了,蹲个厕所的功夫居然穿越了! 世界框架被更改,抖音成了天庭版!世界瞧着也就差不多,但是! 【叮——嫦娥关注了你。】 【叮——水德星君打赏到账!】 …… 最最最重要的是! 吟个诗,抄个词,居然成了旷世纪佳作! 做歌曲,火爆电视网络,在随便搞个文学作品啥的一不留神就成了大神了! 艾玛,文抄公的世界太美妙……1w0-2144 >>




内容简介:异国战争爆发,战地记者宋冉在紧急撤退过程中遭遇炸弹危险,拆弹特种兵李瓒救了她。回国后宋冉多方寻找李瓒下落无果,后在异国以战地记者和维和军官的身份再次重逢。两人情愫渐生,却因一次意外双双 身负重伤失去联系,彼此在心理磨难中寻找着对方。各位书友要是觉得《白色橄榄树完结》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2312-83115 >>

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