Haitoku Ga Matte Iru Read Online



From: Easy Going Scans The country of Greenland, after losing the war to the Imperial Army, were in agony and despair for what will the future bring them. They had hired mercenaries to help them during the war and now they’ve come back to collect their reward while the country were still picking up their pieces of their broken dreams. By that time, the King has passed away and his heir was still too young to take up on the throne. After hearing the news of the King’s death the mercenaries decided to take over the throne and rule in his place. But there was an obstacle in their way... The Oracle!


Tokage, a soul cursed to forever wander the world, unable to rest nor to join the reincarnation cycle, is now looking for its release. This time Tokage enters the body of a newly dead girl named Yuuka, a shrine maiden. This body requires continual recharging from a highly spiritual person, whom the dead person must have had an attachment to. This person is Shinobu, a younger boy, who also lives in that shrine. Thus starts the adventures of Tokage and Shinobu in a world gone mad, amidst the chaos and carnage that gravitates to an unsent soul draw.

Cat Wars

4-Koma involving cats as historical figures.

Haitoku Ga Matte Iru

Yurino's beloved is in financial trouble, so she decides to help him out by being a prostitute. However, the first guy she says 'wanna have some fun with me for 500 bucks?' to happens to be a famous popular music composer, Yukio, with one of his singers, Karin, with him. The book consists of a collection of dangerous and sad love stories.

Phoenix Overlooking the World – Who Dares to Touch My Abandoned Empress

Phoenix Overlooking the World – Who Dares to Touch My Abandoned Empress summary: Her position is high as the empress, but her life is worth that of an ant. She was given the cold shoulder by the emperor. On their wedding night, he cruelly told her, “You are a disgrace!”
His side consorts aggressively harm her, but he did not distinguish the right and the wrong. He punishes her heartlessly, stabbing her in the chest, almost taking her life. But she merely laughs, enduring everything. She calculates every step she takes, the fiery urge for revenge within her softening him like poison, compelling him to drink more, to quench his thirst even though it is detrimental to him.
When he wholeheartedly gave his heart to her, putting it all in her hand while saying, “Yue Er, no matter how many women I have, the only woman in my heart is you.” She gave him a cruel smile, “Thank you, but you are not in mine.”
“In this lifetime, I will definitely obtain your heart.”

The Madness of May

The Madness of May summary: The Madness of May summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Madness of May. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

St. Peter, His Name and His Office

St. Peter, His Name and His Office summary: St. Peter, His Name and His Office summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of St. Peter, His Name and His Office. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Real Cheat Online

Real Cheat Online summary: Pursuing reality, a world of VRMMO that directly reflects your real ability. In this place where there’s no level or status, to fight those monsters, the players have no choice but to either use magic or learn pseudo-skills of masters with Combat a.s.sistance System《Arts》. But, if there was a monster who trampled the monsters of virtual reality with his real ability―― ◆◆◆ Because of the gifted education he received from his father who was a former member of the special forces, Souichiro, a boy was growing into the best human weapon. He, who was yearning to play like a normal highschool student, dived into the virtual world together with his friend. But, what awaited him who was going ahead for a glorified springtime of youth was nothing but an[oddball]in everything who surpa.s.sed all kinds of predictions. Can the boy who received various nickname such as 「The Hidden Boss」, 「The Hidden Character of Management Side」, or「Maybe He Stopped Being a Human」continue to play normally and safely?




























简介话说有一个天真、可爱、可悲、懂事的小男孩,在幼时被梦中的圣诞老公公欺骗(?)下,在九岁起就虚报年龄地边打工、边上学,并十分努力地赚钱去养活自己那对废柴父母。 但好景不常,他在16岁的那年,因为父母输了大钱,而把儿子(即主角)的身体器官卖给黑道。在逃亡中,奇怪地和一名千金小姐产生下不解之缘,,之后就被委任为其管家。




内容简介:才五岁的粉团子被村里人说成是丧门星,逼得她献祭河神才能保住全村的命。啥?敢动我妹妹!溺水没气儿的沈大哥顿时复活,手握七十二家商铺,“谁敢碰六六,我送他去和阎王叙旧!”人称傻子沈二哥,拿 着刚研究的最新植株,“全村都吃饱就不封建迷信了,六六不怕。”被乡亲误认为战死沙场的沈三哥戎装归来,“想要打六六的主意,先问问我背后大刀同不同意。”病秧子沈四哥,轻松拿下进士,“功名在身,六六便是官家的人,劝你1w0-63916 >>


内容简介:月黑风高夜,医院实习生苏瑾萱惨遭盗贼杀害,确意外穿越成新婚弃妃。为了能在这个世界立足,她不是在救人,就是狂奔在救人的路上。可偏偏轩辕澈这个狗男人,不是说好和离么,变成了狗皮膏药,甩都耍 不掉。怎么回事。霸气的苏瑾萱大喊“你有完没完,滚呢”某男嬉皮笑脸贴上来“没完,对你爱不完。”啊啊啊啊啊,这人简直没救了。(1v1男女主双,先虐后甜,新手作者,轻点喷)1w0-88596 >>




内容简介:“这是哪?”“也许是忘川吧”“我已经死了?”“是,所以我来送送你。”“你是谁?”“无常”“从未听闻这世间有无常。”“往后我就是了!”魂过忘川,念留彼岸。得于众生,还于众生。苏墨一觉醒来 已非往世,入京赶考又意外入了仙局,获得了通幽之力。以通幽之力,布局仙路。只是这世间的真相,苏墨看不清1w76158-125092 >>





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