Honeymoon Wa Anata To Read Online


Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Strikers The Comics

StrikerS takes place after the epilogue of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's. While the epilogue connected A's to a world six years later, StrikerS advances the timeline another four years, where the main characters have gone on to work for the Time-Space Administration Bureau (TSAB) and come upon a new case. The series focuses more on team-based battles and bureaucracy rather than individual rivalry and school life, due to the change in character dynamics. The name StrikerS refers to an SS rank given to top mages, much like how A's refers to A rank mages. - Taken from Wikipedia

Koiyami Archive

Collection of short stories 1) Koiyami Archive A cool college student whose personality is bad loves a high-achieving student looking like a nerd. The cool one is kind to the nerd one but he turns so cold as soon as the nerd confesses his love to him... 2) Ater School Special Plan The hero's best friend suddenly annouces his family will move, kisses him and waits for his answer. The hero intends to refuse but... 3) Love Prisoner battle Line Twin brothers. The elder one has guarded the youngest in their childhood, so he becomes strong to repay him, but now the elder one fears him. Add to the mix the elder's homosexual friend 4) Love Prisoner battle Line - Odd Situation Sequel of the above. The elder one comes to fondle his twin. But the friend aims at him too... 5) Radical Report A journalist interviews a young CEO of high-tech company. Before the interview, he entertained antipathy toward the CEO but after actually meeting him, he finds out that the CEO is unexpectedly a nice guy... 6) Dental Sentimental A son of a dentist says he loves his childhood friend, but the hero suspects the friend loves only his well-arranged teeth... 7) Next Door Idol The hero's friend who is an idol and has worked as an actor from childhood is very selfish and always annoys him. A girl classmate treats the hero very kindly and it puts the idol in a bad humor.

Brothers Conflict Feat. Yusuke & Futo

Brothers Conflict feat. Yusuke & Futo summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Brothers Conflict feat. Yusuke & Futo. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Honeymoon Wa Anata To

Millionairess Kathryn is preparing for what is being called the wedding of the century. It is not a marriage of love, but her father believes they are a good match. Everything is turned upside down, however, when she finds out her husband-to-be is only after her fortune! Her father is still none the wiser. Throwing off her wedding dress, Kathryn decides to run away from her wedding, with the help of Jonah, a man she meets in the garden. She offers Jonah a deal - 'Marry me' - and their strange but thrilling elopement begins!

The Trail Of The Axe

The Trail Of The Axe summary: The Trail Of The Axe summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Trail Of The Axe. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Stowmarket Mystery

The Stowmarket Mystery summary: The Stowmarket Mystery summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Stowmarket Mystery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Throckmorton summary: Throckmorton summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Throckmorton. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


DEAR MR STRANGER summary: Saavi encounters a mysterious man not less than a magician who gifts her a diary saying that it can make her wishes come true.But beware of what she 'll wish for.What will cold & antisocial girl wish for ?What will she pen down as her wish? Is this such a simple thing, write and get it ?Or it 's something else you can 't even predict ?**COMPLETED**












类别搞笑 冒险 奇幻










简介未完成的心灵致动漫画 ,国家指定笨蛋龙守山吹,第一天就缺席开学典礼。在这所有着“上级生管理下级生”制度的红叶台高中,他未来的日子又会如何呢?










内容简介:前妻不约,霍先生请死心沈微雨霍靳琛免费阅读最新章节前妻不约,霍先生请死心沈微雨霍靳琛无弹窗免费阅读全文由作者陌小菲实力创作小兵提供前妻不约,霍先生请死心沈微雨霍靳琛完整版大结局敬请关注 。1w0-46659 >>


内容简介:继《恐怖通缉令》《极具恐怖》后,一笑的第三本灵异小说《恶灵国度》,惊悚来袭!群号:468930903光明散去,黑夜降临,窥探着我们每一个人的梦境。事实的真相被虚假捆缚在冰冷的角落里,偶 尔有人发现它,但总会莫名的遗忘。猫眼里露出的血色瞳孔,午夜窗前跳动的裙摆,还有黑暗中……正不断逼近你的恐怖身影!困兽之斗,恶灵来袭,绝望一触即发!无数让人毛骨悚然的事件接连袭来,是在绝望中沉沦?还是在绝望中奋起?还是残忍等待着来自命运的宣判?这是属于恶灵的国度,一个充斥着恐慌与杀戮的世界。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《恶灵国度》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w47446-62957 >>


内容简介:  这是一个由召唤师们主导的世界,在这个世界,召唤师是中央舞台上最耀目的主角。 当那神秘莫测的更高的世界变得触手可及之时,当中华文明的荣耀与记忆照进现实之时,降临大炎帝国的召唤师的精彩 故事,就此开始……1w0-1943 >>




内容简介:简介:【古风征文】本文有腹黑将军、柔弱太子、高岭之花国师、权臣千岁、病美人状元郎、黑莲花皇叔、傲娇杀手、冰块脸侍卫、黑化国师等多款美人供君挑选。1V1甜宠文如果您喜欢快穿·繁花,别忘记 分享给朋友作者:迟沫所写的《快穿·繁花》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-73460 >>


内容简介:  我死了很久,但我还活着,嗯……至少有一部分活着。老实说我不太喜欢那些盗墓者给我取的外号,不过我是个愿意接受新鲜事物的人。所以没错,我就是盗墓者们谈之色变的粽子,一个自认只是得了怪病 ,期待早康复的‘病人’。我患上了名为‘长生’的怪病,并伴有记忆力丧失等症状。PS.我被困在墓里出不去了,谁能带我出去?在线等,挺急的。1w0-1581 >>

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