Shuuya Inukai is a model student at a high school who one day attracts the attentions of an ojou-sama, Kantori Isuzu, when she realizes that he is bearing, on his forehead, an X-shaped scar...that was also present on her pet dog's forehead...which leads her believe that Shuuya is actually the reincarnation of the said animal. And now Shuuya's days as Isuzu's pet begin.
SIN takes place in a post apocalyptic future derived from a universe very similar to ours. The inevitable lack of resources to sustain humanity on Earth had split the world into two warring factions, the United Nations (U.N.) and the New Earth's Alliance. (N.E.A.). After years of unnecessary conflict and technological advancement in weaponry, both sides eagerly stumbled into peace to avoid extinction. Now under the rule of the newly formed United Earth's Federation (U.E.F.) space has become the last hope for the human race. However, with resources more scarce than ever the clock is ticking. How do we decide who's privileged to live and who's not? What happens to those of us left behind? A world now loosely controlled by a single totalitarian government, overrun by gangs, private military groups, freedom fighters, and death; Life seems to provide no more than a fruitless future. Regardless, there are still those of us that fight, we fight each other, we fight the system, we fight for our loved ones... whatever the reason, we battle for answers.
From Storm in Heaven: The orphan girl Angelique lives in Hidamari Villa with four other comrades who make up the Orb Hunters. They aid her in purifying otherworldly creatures known as Thanatoi who attack the populace, draining them of their life energy. Two large organizations also oppose this threat, while its members try to discover more about the Orb Hunters and a possible connection with the legend of the Queen.
I Will Bury The Gods manhua, On a stormy night, the Demon Sect is destroyed and the Daoist Sage arrives in pursuit. At the end of a fatal battle, the old gods descend in the unknown, the ancient dynasties open up to them, and the youngmaster of the Demon Sect embarks on a god-killing adventure.
Unexpected Marriage summary: A dad with a son (joking) A school-skipping second generation rich bully is taught a lesson by his man. This is the story of their married life. Or, alternatively, a handsome father’s (not at all) inability to confess his love.
Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded summary: Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
O'Farrell's Law summary: O'Farrell's Law summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of O'Farrell's Law. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Maya Of The Golden Moon summary: One day, Maya Mizuki, a fourth grader at Twilight Elementary, suddenly finds herself lost in another world – Shadowin’. She was called there for a reason: to become an Elmanio, a mage who controls the Elma spirits, and the Savior of this world engulfed by night. Enrolling in the Royal Academy, Maya meets new friends Karura and Miroku, and studies the Elma to become an Elmanio. However, one day in the forest, she falls into a hole in a great stone, and encounters a mysterious object. A school age fantasy based on the JRPG series Popolocrois.
内容简介:十五年后,英国归来,她原是让那些害过她的人,好好忏悔,却不成想,坏了他的好事儿。他是北方十六省最尊贵的公子哥,督军府的大公子。他搂着她的腰,在她耳边吐气如兰:“坏了我的好事儿,该怎么赔 我?”她拿着刚得手的勃朗宁抵着他的腰:“你要怎么赔?”“…”某少帅一脸正经:“初儿,我想到一句诗。”“你说。”她有些期待的目光。“芙蓉帐暖度春宵,从此君王不早朝。”“…”土匪就是土匪。1w0-28397 >>
内容简介:【本作品来自互联网本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有【内容简介】故事发生在一个名叫蓝天航空公司的公司里。空姐这个职业在一般人眼中是个很好的工作,但伴随着各种工作压力空姐的私生活是很不 规律的,尤其性生活是常人无法想象的Yin乱,而且由于上班都要穿着高跟鞋,在机舱里一站就是好几个小时,所以各个空姐的脚是臭得不得了,但是对于那些喜欢闻脚舔脚的男人来说那可都是极品啊,而这个蓝天航空公司里就是以汇集了众多Yin脚骚妇出名的,这全是因蓝天航的老总孙雨就是个恋足狂,美女的秀足,妖媚的臭Yin脚,形状秀美的嫩脚趾,涂着各色晶莹润泽的指甲油,他是喜欢的不得了,以下的故事就是发生在蓝天航空公司里这些Yin荡美脚空姐身上的Yin乱记录。上传者书籍介绍:发个全的给大家爽一下1w0-70574 >>
内容简介:一个身份卑微的奴才,得到神奇功法,纵横万古、不死不灭!仙道、魔道、妖道、万族林立,惊才绝艳之辈辈出,百家争鸣,百花齐放。神通惊世,光华璀璨,弹指间毁天灭地。这是一个浩瀚无边的玄幻世界, 光怪陆离,充满了无穷尽的神秘。强者可遨游天地,震慑众生。1w0-84844 >>
内容简介:都知道当今皇上喜怒无常,朝中无人敢与之相驳,宫中更是无人敢伴君侧,但也有件让人津津乐道的罕见事儿——和光大师赠了皇帝一幅美人画,甚得皇帝喜爱,被收于景阳宫。自那以后,但凡五官有一处与画 中女子相似之人,都被纳于后宫。但也听闻,无人曾被临幸过,甚至还死了好几个。付家的五姑娘出身不好,自幼胆小如鼠,被传召进了宫,又因坊间对这位帝王的传言,她更是提心吊胆,瑟瑟发抖。紧张之下打碎了景阳宫的一只白玉杯,吓的魂都没了,一张脸血色褪的干干净净。宫人见状,个个闭眼为她默哀,谁知一向淡漠的君王蹲下身子,将付茗颂的手从那堆白玉碎片中握住。付茗颂吓的眼泪不止:“我、我不是故意的,我赔给你…”闻恕抬手擦掉她的眼泪:“你拿什么赔?”他身音低哑,像在压抑着什么似的:“拿你赔给我,可好?”一众宫人面上波澜不动,心中却波涛暗涌,唯有一直伺候闻恕的元公公知晓,这付家五姑娘长了一张跟画中女子一模一样的脸,连眼角那颗痣的位置都分毫不差。后来果然不出元公公所料,付茗颂盛宠加身,冠宠后宫。她害怕,闻恕哄着,她哭了,闻恕哄着,就连晚上做个噩梦,闻恕都抱在怀里哄。闻恕吃饱餍足后,半弯着唇想,美人都是有毒的,栽了一次,却还想栽第二次。1w0-4296 >>