Aratama Tribe Read Online


School Gang Boss In America

Story of a boy and his brother who happened to go to America all of the sudden ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's blog: *****rate the webtoon 5 stars to support the author***** Webtoon website:

Stellar Theater

Aliens exist for sure. Even a child knows it. The world is protected by a group of aliens with special power. Daichi lives in such a world. He terribly got burned five years ago, but it's all cured and he now lives a peaceful life. But one day, he meets one of the aliens and his life slightly changes... He is forcibly appointed as to be an examiner of the next protector test. There are also three girls who move to his school to take the test and one of them is his childhood friend. He still doesn't know that there will be a big event, which will change his future, in the not too distant future... [From ErogeShop]

Kaikan Fortune

Chapter 1: Kanbe is in love with his boss, Tatsuya, who is sexually harassing him, so he decides to visit a fortune teller. Will the fortune teller be able to help him? Chapter 2: Tatsuya takes Kanbe to a high class party where they meet Kazuki- Tatsuya's old student from when he was a tutor. Kazuki might look young and innocent but the truth is that he's a little devil with a sweet face and now he's dying to nail Kanbe! Could this be a threesome? Chapter 3: When Kanbe negotiates a contract with another company, the handsome manager has one condition before accepting the contract- Kanbe must sleep with him! What will Tatsuya do when he finds out about this indecent proposal? Chapter 4: Homeroom teacher and nice guy Tokunaga agreed to go out with his slacker student Mochizuki if he will start being more serious about school. One day, Mochizuki overhears Tokunaga talking about him with another teacher and it looks like he's not such a nice guy after all?! What will Mochizuki do? Chapter 5: Shibata Keigo, a top who likes the 'young, short and cute' type, finds himself attracted to Saiga Naoki, his suburdiate at work. Saiga is not really his type- he's beautiful, tall and older than what Shibata usually goes for but it looks like Saiga has a crush on him and even asks him to accompany him on a business trip! Shibata agrees but he's in for a big surprise when the two finally get into bed. Chapter 6: Saiga discovers that Shibata has been fooling around with cute young guys again. Punishment is in order! Chapter 7: It looks like Shibata can't help being attracted to cute boys. Saiga has some plans to settle this once and for all...

Aratama Tribe

The world is becoming warped and overrun by demons. Standing against this tide are the natural enemy of the demons, the 'Onmyoukidou'. Abe is a hard-working, good-natured onmyoukidou of the under-staffed second division defense against the demons. He's relieved to hear that new staff have been assigned to his team, but less so when he meets the rude and violent Yomi and her silent ninja-like partner. Together they must find a way to defend the city from the demons, and to show up the vastly more popular and highly supported first division team.

Reborn into A Slash Game

Reborn into A Slash Game summary: Suo Fei, a veteran NEET has spent three days and three nights strategizing his way through the highly explicit H danmei game masterpiece “Yalance”. Furthermore, he was able to capture all nine little shous from the nine great races. However, as the final, 10P feast was approaching, he unexpectedly transmigrated. He transmigrated into the real country of Yalance…
Suo Fei: Hey, hey, hey, can you delete these files and let me restart? What the h.e.l.l did Laozi transmigrate into!

True Vampire

True Vampire summary: Dude is reincarnated with three wishes into a fantasy world cliche I know.

Little Brothers of the Air

Little Brothers of the Air summary: Little Brothers of the Air summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Little Brothers of the Air. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Thorn Birds

The Thorn Birds summary: The Thorn Birds summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Thorn Birds. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


简介突如其来的艳遇,她到底是谁?男主角黎英遭遇各种嫌疑,凶手一定不是我。周二周五双更已改成周二单更呦。群号425981418,438210170,欢迎加入,come on~






简介全新连载《3月的狮子》(将棋故事)将从今年初夏在漫画杂志《Young Animal》上正式展开连载!在《Young Animal》官方网站的首页上,也开始大肆宣传这项令粉丝们兴奋无比的消息。












简介【每周日更新, 官方群号:289762837】宇宙诞生初始即伴生有一包罗万象之档案,其名为全知圣典《阿卡夏记录》。作为整个宇宙睿智的象征,乃旧神与旧日支配者(邪神)都渴求的达至宇宙根源之物。时至今日,获得圣典认可的战士——天选者们,仍在为了对抗追求破灭与混沌的旧日支配者而战斗在最前线……














内容简介:【飞卢中文网A级签约作品永生在无限世界】这是一个浩瀚的无限世界。传说,‘力’修炼极致,可上摘星河,可下通幽冥。大神通者摘星逐月,移山倒海,更有甚者一念天地灭,一念世界生!这是少年杨奇误 入‘圣王’,生存在无限世界的故事。本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。各位书友要是觉得《永生在无限世界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73933 >>


内容简介:森先生在线养宰简介:一岁多点的阿治趴在小桌子上翻看森先生做的相册集,毫不意外相册里多张照片的主人公是他和爱丽丝,他皱皱小眉头,看向森先生:“我们的合照呢?”森先生·笑容凝固:“……”你 从哪里翻出来的啊治酱!我记得我明明把它藏在了……然后,他看到了被他藏在抽屉的最里层的箱子和箱子的锁的尸体被随便扔在了地上。森先生:“……”首领宰完成计划后生无可恋,交代好一切事之后就奔赴死亡。远在东京的森先生收到了这条消息,内心有些后悔:这个孩子,本来可以拥有更好的未来……名为【书】的异能物品诞生了意识,用它可以1w0-131602 >>


内容简介:【【2019“玄幻王者”征文】参赛作品】穿越王朝废物王子,幸得大帝系统,从此逆袭而上!王朝、皇朝、帝朝、天朝、天庭、天界!且看楚天如何崛起,带领王朝一路晋级天界,势要做那最强大帝!本站 提示:各位书友要是觉得《无敌最强大帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83641 >>


内容简介:  地球唯一的先天巅峰强者唐不凡冒险接引天雷入体冲刺更高境界,最终在天雷之下化为劫灰。然而唐不凡并没有死去,而是在祖传神秘小剑的帮助下重生到斗罗大陆昊天宗一名弟子身上,从此地球的先天宗 师唐不凡消失了,取而代之的便是昊天宗的唐不凡。重生一世,唐不凡能否完成前世为完成的梦想,突破先天之上的境界呢?而此时的昊天宗又因为某种外界因素不得不封山,曾经的天下第一宗落魄至此。作为昊天宗的弟子,唐不凡能否带领昊天宗重新崛起,再度缔造天下第一宗的无上神话,拭目以待吧!1w0-893 >>


内容简介:  张敬穿越了。穿越到一百多年前的清朝末年、军阀割据的时代。  身处乱世,身为有志青年的张敬觉得自己应该丢掉道士的身份,不能再做招摇撞骗的江湖神棍,去扬名立万,干一番大事!  普通群: 473528246;VIP群:764849585(订阅书友可加)1w0-285 >>

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