Sequel to Hitomi no Honne. Student still torturing his beloved Sensei and we get to know more about Tatsuya's past (partly from Miyata), that made him who he is. Will Hitomi still love (and understand) his student after hearing his story? As a bonus: Hitomi dressed as a woman.
Fall Rokkenjima, a private island owned by Kinz? Ushiromiya, eleven of his relatives arrive for a family reunion. He is dying and children want nothing more than to split the wealth he will leave behind. But as a storm traps them on the island, the riddle of Rokkenjima's legendary golden witch begins to take the lives of several people. Who can solve the riddle and gain the gold & the inheritance? Will the golden witch truly revive? The story is divided into episodes: four 'Question' arcs. Each episode keeps the same main characters, but ends in a different way. However, each episode gives valuable answers, hints, and clues to the previous one, while at the same time bringing forth even more mysteries.The question arcs are: Legend of the golden witch, Turn of the golden witch, Banquet of the golden witch, and Alliance of the golden witch.
From the mangaka of Double Arts: William is a young boy who idolizes Aradoff, a character from a popular novel which told Aradoff's adventures, and always dreams of having a grand adventure on his own. William's meeting with the novel author finally puts him on an adventure to prove that the novel is not merely a fiction.
Childhood friends Wakatake and Kagetora meet again after not seeing each other for more than 8 years. Wakatake is a boy who takes his studies extremely serious, as he is to take over the medical clinic of his parents one day. Kagetora is an impulsive girl, who spends most of her time fighting outside on the streets, instead of the class room. Now that Kagetora decided to enter one of the most prestigious high schools of the country to pursue the love of her life, she needs Wakatake to help her to pass the entrance test...
Pomona's Travels summary: Pomona's Travels summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Pomona's Travels. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Codex Alera summary: Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1) In the realm of Alera, where people bond with the furies-elementals of earth, air, fire, water and metal, fifteen-year-old Tavi struggles with his lack of furycrafting. But when his homeland erupts in chaos-when rebels war with loyalists and furies clash with furies-Tavi 's simple courage will turn the tides of war.
Appetite For Reduction summary: Appetite For Reduction summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Appetite For Reduction. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Curry Cook's Assistant summary: The Curry Cook's Assistant summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Curry Cook's Assistant. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介: 苏辂,人在北宋,老家眉山。生为衙内,苏辂从小锦衣玉食、娇生惯养、胸无大志,只吃得下软饭,正积极找人接盘,让自己后半辈子可以继续当一条没有理想的咸鱼。对于自己的未来,他已经做好万全的 规划:要是实在找不到养得起他的老婆,他不介意继续留在家里啃老。七岁那年,苏辂回到老家,赫然发现自己两个堂哥一个叫苏轼,一个叫苏辙。苏辂眉头一皱,觉得此事并不简单!***搞笑风,日常流,新人求支持~1w0-3905 >>
内容简介:明姝沉迷于一本小说废寝忘食小说里的反派暴君深得她心奈何身为反派下场奇惨无比!愤怒写下千字差评一觉醒来她穿进了书里成为暴君新出炉的倒霉贵妃。看着眼前活生生的暴君明姝风中凌乱——这不是我崽 ?众人眼里的暴君嗜杀成性心狠手辣是位人人闻之色变的活阎王!明姝眼里的暴君怕黑怕打雷爱撒娇缺乏安全感心地善良嗜甜如命……这是什么绝世小可爱?!呜呜呜崽崽麻麻耐你!!为了改变崽崽惨死的结局母爱泛滥的明姝化身护崽狂魔!怒怼太后痛骂朝臣手撕宫妃……可是等等为什么崽崽看她的眼神越来越不对劲?——司褚幼时总是梦到一个少女她耐心教他读书认字细心为他处理伤口在每个雷雨夜温柔哄他入睡。后来有一天少女不见了。他掘地三尺也没把人找到。于是执念成魔双眼赤红他发了疯。就在他慨叹世间无趣打算毁天灭地的时候。他见到了一双亮晶晶会说话的眼睛。暴君眼神阴郁偏执唇边勾起凉薄笑意好啊倒是自己送上门了。——众人皆知暴君最是厌恶貌美娇弱嚣张跋扈的女子也不知那位娇滴滴的贵妃娘娘能活几时?*你来人间一趟记得看看太阳。1w15139-100627 >>
内容简介: 【人面鬼心,托古言今,吾为江湖之主】林寿一觉醒来成了秋斩刑场的缝尸人。落叶归根,入土为安,死留全尸,被砍头的死囚尸首要缝合完整才能下葬,否则乱殡生变。林寿发现,他竟能通过缝合尸体能 获得各种奖励。葬经,伤寒杂病论,人骨皮影,阴神龛,城隍腰牌,傩神戏面,八门江湖术……爽文不虐主,黑色喜剧。1w0-2574 >>
内容简介:全世界都以为我养了个穷逼最新章节仙子打盹儿江仙养了个男人,全国都知道的秘密。据说,那男人是个病秧子,活不了多久,但是江仙不嫌弃,养了两年都没腻。直到有一天,江仙把自己作死了,再也养不起 男人了。她身处泥潭,所有人都看好戏。谁知那天,被她养了两年的男人突然出现在老板办公室,并递给她一纸合约。秦深微微笑着,只对她说了三个字——“叫爸爸。”全世界都以为我养了个穷逼最新章节仙子打盹儿1w0-99836 >>