Who would have thought that Jung Areum, the beauty queen of school had a sister with no other hobby than stealing people's food?? Well thís girl is no other than Jung Daum, an unruly girl who eats and farts like no tomorrow and...her number one fan of hers is the popular school idol Jun-Ki!! And WHO would have imagined that Jung Daum is head over heels in love with him??!! But of course, things don't go that easy... cause cute and two-faced big sister likes him too!!
Three quarters of the world is the world of the dead. The world has been invaded by phantoms. One day, a boy named Nagi finds in the mountains of scrap wood a mechanical teenage maid girl. He immediately takes her home to repair her. The first things that Elise, this mysterious mechanical maid, says is, 'Good morning, Nagi.' Who is this mysterious silver haired girl? The fate of the world rests in their hands.
Hayashi Shoutaro is an otaku and a student who sucks at studying, the results showing on every test; if that wasn't the worst, he makes promises like the one who scores the lowest has to clean the classroom by themselves. In his classroom there is a girl he likes, Kanda Yayoi, who always scores the top and is popular among boys and girls. After going home from cleaning the classroom, he's met by his perverted/otaku sister who has him cross-play (cross-dressing cosplay) to go to an anime merchandise display, where he meets Yayoi who is also an otaku and she falls in love with his cosplay-persona...?
From [Fujoshi Bitches] Beautiful college student, Yonomori, is secretly enamored by his underclassman, Hinohara. He’s a really cocky junior, but sometimes, Hinohara touches him as if he were a precious jewel and makes his days full of heart-wrenching hope. And on one of those days, he is shocked to learn that Hinohara has a person he likes. Even while being plagued with hesitation, Yonomori goes to Hinohara to inquire about the identity of that person. But in exchange for an answer, Yonomori is to become...?
Heavenly Blessed Reincarnator summary: Life is like a game of cards but what if you 're the dealer and you have the power to alter what one player would play next . What would you do? Let him win or Make him Lose. ..................................................... The character 's mentioned in the novel are all fictional and I do not own any of the character design . I had suspended this novel as I am not so interested in...
The Chosen Prince summary: The Chosen Prince summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Chosen Prince. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Any Coincidence Is summary: Any Coincidence Is summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Any Coincidence Is. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Lurking Fear summary: The Lurking Fear summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lurking Fear. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:程鑫是个高富帅,按说是个万人迷,却是个老师摇头学生害怕的问题学生,说起来就让人头疼。陈昕学习好颜值高,按说是个男神,却是个胆小怯弱毫无存在感的小结巴,提起来让人扼腕。众人皆言:上帝是公 平的,没有人是十全十美的!两个格格不入的人,因为名字的缘分,而产生了交集。这是关于两个孩子共同成长的故事。学霸被学渣杠上的故事。本文又名《心心相印》。1w0-3402 >>
内容简介:沈砚浓穿越成入宫第二天就死了老公的寡妇。十七岁的孤女太后,还带着莫名其妙赖上她的拖油瓶幼帝,沈砚浓深知自己能不能活下来全靠太傅顾行宴的一句话,为了活命,她只能抱紧这奸臣的大腿。奸臣说东 ,她不敢往西。奸臣杀人,她望风。狼狈为奸,无恶不作。还要每天对着这奸臣花式尬吹彩虹屁。沈砚浓本质其实只是想刷点好感度,以求顾行宴看在自己乖巧可人的份上放自己一条生路。可能演的太逼真,吹的太真情实意,恍惚间连沈砚浓自己都信了。小剧场沈砚浓正在偷偷地罗列顾行宴的十大罪状前日在御花园摔倒,被奸臣搂腰——孟浪放肆,轻薄太后!昨日在御书房批奏折,奸臣用了她的杯子喝水——以下犯上,轻薄太后!今日——余光瞥见某人走进来,她立马收起自己的小本本,转头一本正经的对着在练字的儿子胡说八道“太傅于危难之中扶你上位,你一定要记住这份恩情,日后要勤政爱民,不要辜负太傅期望。”便宜儿子被洗脑过度,竟然认认真真答道“母后放心,儿臣定会像尊敬父皇一般,尊敬太傅。”顾行宴笑而不语。沈砚浓这倒也不必。下本求预收:《正妻》文案:十六岁听从父母之命嫁给了门当户对的镇国公府世子,婚后公婆慈爱,夫君对她怜爱有加,一年后就生下了嫡长子,唐云舒的人生就和她的名字一样美好幸福。直至夫君一次出征后从战场上带回了一个女人,容貌艳丽,楚楚可怜,第一次见面就叫她“姐姐”。一开始是恩人之女无人照料,所以在府中借住,她信了,吃喝住行亲自打理绝不怠慢;然后被她发现两人从同一个房间出来,他解释是喝多了,她不追究主动给了女子名分;之后公主招婿,他说他需要借此获得陛下的信任,她认了,从正妻变成平妻,在国公府身份尴尬的过着;从京都城最让人羡慕的女子变成街头巷尾的茶余饭后,唐云舒自问从不曾做过对不起任何人的事情,可惜她的容忍和贤惠,换来的不是感恩,而是别人一次又一次的得寸进尺和伤害--温柔的人一旦心智坚定了,便是谁也劝不回的,便叫他们知道,这世界最柔软脆弱的是女子,最坚韧狠心的也是女子。一纸合离书,自请下堂,她再次名震京都,然是非对错自有人评说,她满心只想找到失散的儿子……只是本以为孤单的旅途,不知何时多了个多话的男人,整天在她耳边叽叽喳喳,吵的她放弃了游历的想法,被他骗回了家。直至最后她才明白,原来不争,只是因为不爱。PS:前面有多憋屈,后面就有1w0-77536 >>
内容简介: 全宸京的人都知道席彦初是个性格暴躁、脾气古怪、手段毒辣的人。 人送外号‘席阎王’,人人见了都要绕道走。 偏偏有个不怕死的女人把他给调戏了。 问这人是谁? 某黑客帝国:这是我 家大佬! 某娱乐公司:这是我家财神! 某港城首富:这是我家小公主! 某时尚品牌:这是我家首席设计师! 大佬马甲有点多,怎么扒都扒不完。 席少表示头很疼,媳妇儿总玩cosplay怎么办?有点晕?_?,要亲亲才能好~ 时姝阳:男票太粘人怎么办?在线求解答,挺急的~ 众人:席阎王粘人?开什么宇宙玩笑? 于是第二天…… 席彦初带着猫耳朵发卡,系着花围裙,亲自下厨做饭讨老婆欢心的视频火遍了全国~ 【两个脾性古怪的人凑到一起,爽点不断】1w0-1994 >>
内容简介:程湛养了个很作很会撒娇的小美人,每天过着蜜里调油的生活。一次聚会,旁人都带着女伴,唯他孤零零一人,朋友调侃:“程总,你那小美人带来给我们看看?”程湛抿了口酒,淡淡道:“不看,怕你们嫉妒 。”朋友好奇:“怎么说。”程湛回忆了下向月明撒娇做作那劲,清了下嗓,“太崇拜我。”朋友:“……”1w0-4509 >>