The best way to express oneself... created by the humanity is...Dance! Yoo Myung-in, who never stood out, now goes on stage! Webtoon found here:
A young man finds and returns a lost wallet and cell phone to a beautiful young lady, thus begins the destined relationship between two strangers. Sound typical? Well then, how about making the young lady the young man’s future homeroom teacher, and give them both a twisted sense of right and wrong. And just for kicks, let’s have the young man help himself to a self proclaimed reward from the lost wallet before returning it… but of course, this scenario wouldn’t be complete unless the young lady was very unforgiving when it came to teaching one of her students a lesson on morals. (Source: Infinity Studios)
Katsuya's life is turned upside down when he contracts a strange blood disease. On one hand, a doctor who is an old friend tells him to seek treatment immediately -- but then a strange man appears and tells him that the doctor will kill him. Who's telling the truth, and what exactly is this 'Specter' he's infected with? And what could it possibly have to do with his dead father...?
From Megchan's Scanlations: In a small town in Tokyo, the PTA argues about teaching sex ed in elementary school, but what nobody knows is that eleven-year-old Haruna is already pregnant. When she decides not to tell any adults, it's up to her classmates to help her through this ordeal. Note: This is not loli. Sex happens off-screen and the artwork is not fan-servicey.
Mystical Journey summary: One moment, Luo Jing was at the brink of death after accidentally touching a power outlet while showering. The next, he was in the body of a man named Garen, with memories of a past he was never a part of flowing into his head. As he slowly gets used to the body of Garen, he begins to explore a planet beyond his own logical comprehension. His journey will see him go from surviving in a planet locked in the 20th century, to wielding secret techniques so powerful that they level cities overnight. However, his journey doesn’t end with Garen. Instead this is but the first of many bodies that Luo Jing will come to wield in his mystical journey between worlds.
Friends in Council summary: Friends in Council summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Friends in Council. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Billy Povich: Loot The Moon summary: Billy Povich: Loot The Moon summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Billy Povich: Loot The Moon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Penshurst Castle summary: Penshurst Castle summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Penshurst Castle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:六年前,陆惊语在不知情的情况下,未婚先孕,导致身败名裂,被陆家放弃驱逐。六年后,她带着三个萌宝归来。三宝智商爆表,查出薄家那位大佬是自家爹地,于是瞒着妈咪上门认爹。薄司寒,“我向来洁身 自好,没碰过女人!”大宝,“DNA证明骗不了人,请认清现实!”二宝:“都说男人穿上裤子就不认人,看来是真的!”三宝:“白捡三个可爱的宝宝和一个漂亮的老婆,你做梦都该笑醒!”薄司寒喜当爹后,和三宝感情进展迅速,偏偏和老婆感情生疏。三个宝宝教他如何追女人。一壁咚,二强吻,三领证……十八般武艺用尽。1w90199-107238 >>
内容简介:玄之又玄,魔术欺诈穿越前,冰凝是魔术界最耀眼的新星。各种表演神乎其技,引亿万人追捧。穿越后,惊觉魔术原理都被恶人用来欺诈百姓。江湖上神鬼骗术横行,骗师各个本领高超,贪婪凶残。专捉骗术师 的治泉司便应运而生。凭借高超的魔术技巧,冰凝当上了皇城司麾下治泉司最强捕手。但这毕竟是古代,女子在官场饱受歧视,何况她只是不在编的临1w0-90206 >>
内容简介: 全宸京的人都知道席彦初是个性格暴躁、脾气古怪、手段毒辣的人。 人送外号‘席阎王’,人人见了都要绕道走。 偏偏有个不怕死的女人把他给调戏了。 问这人是谁? 某黑客帝国:这是我 家大佬! 某娱乐公司:这是我家财神! 某港城首富:这是我家小公主! 某时尚品牌:这是我家首席设计师! 大佬马甲有点多,怎么扒都扒不完。 席少表示头很疼,媳妇儿总玩cosplay怎么办?有点晕?_?,要亲亲才能好~ 时姝阳:男票太粘人怎么办?在线求解答,挺急的~ 众人:席阎王粘人?开什么宇宙玩笑? 于是第二天…… 席彦初带着猫耳朵发卡,系着花围裙,亲自下厨做饭讨老婆欢心的视频火遍了全国~ 【两个脾性古怪的人凑到一起,爽点不断】1w0-1994 >>
内容简介:福威,福威,何为福威?有威才能有福!剑法为何名曰辟邪?剑名辟邪,自当“百邪辟易”除人间“恶鬼”。那什么又是江湖?有人的地方就会有恩怨,有恩怨就会有江湖。人就是江湖!是非曲直,公道人心何 在?公道不在人心,是非在乎实力。可否全身而退?即入江湖,自当以生死为疆!(纯江湖,纯侠义,不诸天,穿书无系统)1w0-114859 >>
内容简介:都市。路边摊上。大妈:“小伙子,你这番茄多少钱?”庄康:“一百块钱一斤!”大妈:“小伙子,你这是在抢劫!”庄康:“全球独一无二美味番茄,一百块一斤,童叟无欺!”异世界:领主庄园内。小女 仆:“领主大人,这是什么东西?”康领主:“这是巧克力,好吃吗?”小女仆:“嗯,好吃,很甜!”康领主:“甜就好,跟着老爷我,以后每天都能吃到这么甜的巧克力,对了,这是老爷刚设计好的女仆装,你现在穿上去试一试……”(这是一个新世纪五好青年穿梭于都市与奇幻世界,通过不断搬运两界物资发家致富的故事。)1w0-110976 >>