The story is about an ordinary (and rather unpopular) girl named Ageha who is constantly overshadowed by her popular and beautiful twin sister, Hana. Because Ageha grew up in the countryside with their grandmother while Hana was raised by their parents, the two girls ended up with drastically different personalities. For the most part, Ageha remains a silent and hidden student in the school, with only one friend (who isn't all that nice either). In fact, nobody even really knows that she is Hana's twin sister, because despite looking alike, there is still a large gap between the levels of their beauty and popularity. When Hana finds out that Ageha has a crush on a cute boy named Ryuusei (who is actually Ageha's childhood friend from the countryside), Hana becomes curious about their relationship. However, after hearing that Ryuusei hates people like Hana, Hana becomes irritated and using her charming personality, actually manages to snag Ryuusei as her boyfriend! Ageha is left with no one, but thanks to the strange (and attractive) new school counselor, and some unexpected allies, Ageha decides to do her best and take Ryuusei back.
Iver is a dragon maou who stopped trying after historical heroes defeated her every time she resurrected. But the present day hero, Mirio, who found the holy sword by pure chance falls in love with her. And thus forms the couple of the maou with no self-esteem and the dopey hero. This is a story of how they come to know each other, fight, and find happiness.
Humans are a despicable lot, committing sin after sin, filling the endless boundaries of the underworld with tortured souls. Now, it would seem, Hell isn't so endless after all, and it has become dangerously close to filling, and then overflowing into the human realm. Princess Lucuha sees this imminent disaster and has a plan: save Hell by making humans decent again. Of course, the Angels can't simply allow Demons to roam freely on Earth, and they do their best to stop Lucu and her dastardly plans. Nominated for the 12th Annual Osamu Tezuka Culture Award.
Mainichi no Tomodachi summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Mainichi no Tomodachi. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Playboy of the Western World summary: The Playboy of the Western World summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Playboy of the Western World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Faithful Shepherdess summary: The Faithful Shepherdess summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Faithful Shepherdess. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Volume XII summary: Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Volume XII summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Volume XII. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Richard II summary: Richard II summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Richard II. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介: 分明是真千金却死的落魄的苏邀重生了。上辈子她忍气吞声,再重来她手狠心黑。谁也别想吸着她的血还嫌腥膻了。重来一次,她要做那天上月,冠上珠,光芒万丈。某人跟在她身后一面替她挖坑,一面苦 心孤诣的劝她:不用这么费力的,瞧见我头上的冠冕了吗?你就是上面最华丽的那颗。1w0-1854 >>
内容简介:甜甜夫妻互怼日常。《巧逞窈窕》第二部已完结,戳作者专栏。民国新坑《世界之王》正在更新。感谢读者山山友情提供封面,感谢读者mimi手把手教我上传づ ̄3 ̄づ╭~立意男女平等1w0-7826 4 >>
内容简介:(无敌文,幕后黑手文,绝对暴爽!)穿越玄幻世界,开局便是仙王巨头,帝族之祖,不朽之王。左手持戟,右手持剑,仙古纪元覆灭九天十地的主宰之一。“哪怕背负天渊,需一手托原始帝城,我苍仙一样无 敌世间!”“赤锋戟,不朽剑,斩尽仙王灭九天!”“仙之巅,傲世间,有我苍仙便有天!”他俯瞰万亿生灵,屹立在无尽仙巅:“吾乃帝族之族,不朽之王,诵我真名者,轮回中得见永生!”本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-65495 >>
内容简介:一朝穿越,竟成了肥婆?江亚仰天长啸,老天爷,不带这么玩的!但啸归啸,肉得减,敌要打,业要创……男人嘛,好的看看,坏的踹开。看一代商业精英如何在曾经的八零年代一举擒兵夫,创峥嵘。此文乃言 情小说,非军事小说,如与现实职称以及框架有出入,请各位小美满们谅解哦,以文中为准!1w0-42549 >>
内容简介:《蜀山剑侠传》是还珠楼主最有名的代表作,也是篇幅最长的一部,达五百万言,绝对可称为鸿篇巨著了,他最大的特点就是将神魔和武侠完美的结合起来,在中国的文学发展中,真正的武侠小说是从唐代的传 奇小说开始的,产生了著名的虬髯客,聂隐娘、昆仑奴等侠客,后来经过宋元两代的过渡,到明代出现了著名的《水浒传》,将侠文化推向一个高峰,清代的武侠出现了新的发展,渐渐分离出奇幻和技击两派,前者以《七剑十三侠》等为代表,他发扬了唐代的武侠风格,主角是神秘的仙佛式的人物,他们的技巧也是各种法术和能够杀人千里之外的飞剑法宝。后者则有《七侠五义》,《永庆升平全传》等著作,在这里人物都是尘世间的侠客,他们的本领也只是客观的十八般武艺而已。晚清到民国的时候,出现了王度庐,他的作品一般归为海派,开始了武侠的改造,将历史结合进来,描写也更为细腻。而民国时期真正的武侠高潮的到来,则是因为还珠楼主和他的蜀山剑侠传。本作也是后世修真类小说的鼻祖。1w7485-100455 >>
内容简介:霍氏集团总裁的老婆死了后,有人发现他从良了,不再沾花惹草,诚诚恳恳的带着儿子过日子。直到有一天,他新聘请的家庭医生上了门。霍总端着那张传说中已经从良的脸,目光就跟刀子似的。家庭医生落荒 而逃。两个月后,家庭医生成功上位。“霍太太,你是怎么让霍总打开心扉的?走出对亡妻的思念呢?”“呵呵,很简单,娶一还送二了!”新娘忿忿然又拉出了两个新郎高配的缩小版!!前妻再嫁我一次最新章节地址:1w4599-102576 >>