From MangaHelpers: After the body dies, the soul lives on. Many spirits progress toward the world of light, through the levels of the spirit world where they study how to improve their souls. These spirits are sometimes reincarnated into the physical world, and sometimes they are sent back as guardian spirits for other living people. Guardian spirits must protect their charge's souls from the blackness that oozes up from the world of darkness below. Riyon is a very laid-back spirit, who often skips her spirit classes to fool around. To train her further, she is sent back to the physical world as a guardian spirit. Instead of following a human from birth, she is helping a beleaguered man, the Japanese Prime Minister Kasuga Soichiro, in the last year and a half of his life. After an unexpected close call with death, Kasuga gains some unusual talents, including the ability to see Riyon. Will Riyon and Kasuga together be able to protect his battered soul? [tethysdust]
A collection of short-stories. - Beloved Goldfish: Ai and Jin are childhood friends and neighbours. When they were kids, Ai got a goldfish from Jin and she took care of it since then, but one day, Jin decides to leave for a reason Ai has yet to know. - Real intentions: Mizuho is a high-school girl who doesn't get that her friend Ootsuka is obsessed with UFOs. But when Niizaka, the popular girl, starts taking a liking to Ootsuka and his interest, Mizuho has no choice but to admit her feelings for her friend. - Star Romance: Michiaki is a rebellious high-school student, which his friend Miyo is worried about. Playing his play pretend since his mother's death, will Michiaki be able to go back to his senses? - Life is white: it's a bad luck day for the Capricorns. Unfortunately, Yae-chan and Sou-chan are both capricorns. Add to that a mystery box and here's a white adventure! - Your eyes: Yuika, a colorful high-school girl yearns for her beloved boyfriend Yuuya to look at her, but his true love is football. The day Yuika meets a mysterious stranger, everything changes.
Years after the country defeat and occupation period, Japan is still recovering. Although they are on the road back to mass industrialization and prosperity, strong handed economic and political policies have turned many areas into dilapidated slums. Anarchists and anti-government student protesters have taken up arms, stirring up violent social revolution riots. In order to combat this growing threat, the Japanese government has nationalized a division of the police, creating the Capital Police Organization (CAPO). The CAPO consists of hard-trained panzer troopers carrying heavy firearms and wearing special armor suits called Protect Gear, this specialized unit is feared by anti-government groups, criminals and civilians alike.
Main character: Jee Ooh. Jee-ooh's parents left Jee ooh and her brother with her aunt and uncle. When she was young, someone bullied her brother and she beat the kid up (even though he was older than her) and her uncle had to pay the hospital fees. Ever since then, she was violent and beat people up if they bothered her or her family. One day, she passed by and saw a movie starring Ah-Min. She instantly fell in love with his movie character and has usually been imagining him coming to life and talking to her whenever she saw a poster of him. She even beat up a girl who dirtied Ah-Min's poster. Because of her obsession with Ah-Min, she became known as a 'Crazy Dog'. One day, she came home to find that her uncle borrowed 50 Million Won and signed a contract that said that her younger brother would have to work as a servant in order to pay off the money. Feeling bad, Jee Ooh agrees to go in his place. And guess who she is the the servant of? Ah Min!
Fisher's Light: Worth The Trip summary: Fisher's Light: Worth The Trip summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Fisher's Light: Worth The Trip. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Brighton Boys with the Submarine Fleet summary: The Brighton Boys with the Submarine Fleet summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brighton Boys with the Submarine Fleet. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Boy Hunters summary: The Boy Hunters summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Boy Hunters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Poems of To-Day: an Anthology summary: Poems of To-Day: an Anthology summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Poems of To-Day: an Anthology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:什什麽?我正迷糊著时,没发觉自己已经被美人店长抱坐在了了书桌上。并且美人店长很暧昧的站立在我的两腿间。本来热裤就短,这样腿被一分,热裤更是被往上拉险些PP也包不住。我们家是在一个老社区 ,隔著郁郁葱葱的大树外面就是闹市区。我拐进绿树成荫的小巷准备回家了。突然这时一个身影从我前方左边草丛钻进了右边草丛。黄鼠狼?话说在许多年前我们社区还未被闹市区包围初,这里的确会有黄鼠狼的身影,可如今?我摇摇头否定了这一猜测,难道是猫?可这速度也太快了不!最後我决定上前看看那再没动静的草丛,我蹑手蹑脚的靠近草丛快速的用手一拨,里面没有可疑的动物倒是有一个不大不小刚刚可以钻进一只猫的洞。我蹲下身,向里面张望,好多笼子哦,好像是家宠物店的样子。“汪汪”哎呦!笼子里的狗们突然叫了起来,吓了我一跳。拍了拍腿上的灰尘站起身,我都在这住了近20年了,怎麽从来不知道这里有家宠物店呢?我可是很喜欢小动物的哟所以如果能在宠物店打工?真不错呢!恩!得找到宠物店的正门才行,应该就在附近吧!我继续向前走,来到前面不远处的小商业街,这里只有大约10来家的店,并且都是些安静的特色服饰小店,我经常来逛的。难道那家宠物店是新开的?我兜了几圈,并没有发现有新开的店啊!“叔叔!这里有没有新开一家宠物店啊?”我走进经常逛的一家店,询问相识的老板。“啾啾啊最近可是很少来逛叔叔的店了啊!”“叔叔,人家问您问题呢?有没有呀?”看我很著急的模样,老板叔叔不再和我开玩笑。“宠物店,倒是有一家。可已经开了好多年数了啊!”好多年我居然不知道?“叔叔!在哪呀?我都没见过!”按著叔叔指的路,我走进从不曾注意的小巷,经过七八个弯才看见一家门店。宠物店吗?看著门口布满的鲜花,更像是花店啊!并且还没有招牌,真是一家奇怪的店。不管了,进去再说。踏进门口的一刻,此起彼伏的狗叫声猫叫声证明了这的确是家宠物店,还是一家热闹的宠物店。“有人吗?”我叫了好几声,并没有人回应我。也许店主有事不在。我只好打量著这家热闹的宠物店。还真是不看不知道一看吓一跳啊!这里的宠物狗宠物猫品种真全,连蓝骑士,小雪獒都有。并且花丛中还挂著好多鸟笼,都是没见的。1w0-75847 >>
内容简介:简介:江辰活了上千年,见证了无数朝代更迭,英雄人物。曾与秦始皇同游长城!曾与唐太宗黄山狩猎!曾与乾隆帝湖畔行船!精通医术,鉴宝,看相,风水等等,几乎通晓这个世界上的一切。而现在,他只想 弄清楚自己长生的秘密。1w0-124345 >>
内容简介: 楚千尘重生了。 她是永定侯府的庶女,爹爹不疼,姨娘不爱,偏又生得国色天香,貌美无双。 上一世,她因为意外毁了容,青梅竹马的表哥从此移情别恋,侯府厌弃她,却又一再利用她,最后把她 视作弃子赶出了侯府,任她自生自灭。 而害她之人却青云直上,荣华一世。 …… 上一世,他捡到了无依无靠的她,悉心教导。 他死后,她用了十年颠覆王朝,为他报仇,再睁眼时,竟重生在了毁容之前…… 翻盘重来是必须的。 更重要的是,她想见他! ———— 小剧场: 听说,宸王不喜女色,最讨厌女子涂脂抹粉,浓妆艳抹。 听说,曾经有公府千金被他一句“丑人多做怪”斥得羞愤欲绝。 前世,楚千尘也是这么以为的,青衣素钗,生怕他不喜。 直到今世,花好月圆夜,宸王摸出一个小巧的胭脂盒,笑若春风地看着她,“我替你擦?” 楚千尘:“……” 宸王:“闺中之乐,有甚于画眉者。”1w0-1838 >>
内容简介:预收《一键修仙》《表面天下第一》欢迎收藏~安倍晴明子觉得花之魔术师应当是时候感受一下阴阳师的毒打了她从迦勒底穿到了另一个时空的平安京,顺带一jio把本世界的安倍晴明踹走却被告知【恭喜玩 家通关,现在开始准备二周目啦】???好,行您的好友【正义的伙伴,安倍晴明子】再次上线。挽救平安京,舍我晴明其谁?(强颜欢笑)(1《综冠位大阴阳师》小说推荐:本书禁阅·熹微、我家老宫失忆了[娱乐圈]、重生八零锦绣军婚、别哭、万千厉鬼排队表白我、不二之臣、女配是重生的、开局给魏尔伦戴了顶环保帽、穿成病弱女配后我出道了、重生空间之少将仙妻、惊悚练习生、七零俏媳是知青、落入他的溺爱、重生奋斗俏甜妻、二分之一不死无限、和前男友成了国民CP、窄红、蜜吻999次:乔爷,抱!、沉溺、绿茶女配真的不想红1w0-60164 >>
内容简介:“报告慕少,少夫人和王家太太吵架了。”慕少“天凉了,王氏该破产了。”“慕少,不好了,少夫人在周小姐打起来了。”慕少“还不带人过去帮忙?少夫人少根头发,让周家陪葬!”“慕少,少夫人带着野 种去见当红影帝了!”慕少拍桌而起34那是我的种!马上准备直升飞机,我亲自过去捉奸!34帝都最矜贵的慕家大少,娶了臭名昭著的宋家大小1w16954-26084 >>