University student Sekiguchi Toshihiko's life takes a turn for the bizarre when he begins working as an accounts clerk with Galaxy Planning, a small firm that serves as a front for organized crime. His boss is the ultra-cool Aguri, a devil-may-care yakuza with a passion for gratuitous violence and constantly harassing his favorite employee.
Amano Hinata, a high-school boy, lives a quiet life in the country. One day, a light-haired transfer student, Kazama Ayato, arrives from Tokyo. In such a small town, it's not long before Hinata runs into the laid-back, absent-minded Ayato, along with his lively younger siblings: Hayato, Ikuto, and Chiyoko. It's going to be quite a challenge for the Kazama family to assimilate into their new community out in the country!
A one-shot where everybody is in love with some one else. Although high school student Yutaka is in a casual relationship with his best friend Daisuke, he's in love with Shuuhei. Yakuta couldn't tell Shuuhei his real feelings because he knows Shuuhei is in love with his own step brother, Tamaki. Daisuke also nurses feelings for Yutaka, but chooses to remain as a sex friend as well, instead.
In a world where demons and humans are at war, there exists a Demon King, whose voice holds a power that destroys all in its way. When an unusual Hero attacks his castle, what's a Demon King to do other than confess his love? But thanks to meddling minions and the inconvenience of a voice that destroys everything in its path, his confession may not go according to plan...
The Submarine Boys' Trial Trip summary: The Submarine Boys' Trial Trip summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Submarine Boys' Trial Trip. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom summary: History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century summary: The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Storm-Cloud of the Nineteenth Century. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Folklore as an Historical Science summary: Folklore as an Historical Science summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Folklore as an Historical Science. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介“校草,你说室友跟我穿同款是几个意思?” “这不是同款,是情侣装。” “校草你再这样天天跟我卖腐我弯了你负责啊?” “我负责。” “你还能养我一辈子啊?” “养,一辈子。” 忠犬校草攻掰弯三观不正受的欢脱甜文。 嘿嘿嘿。……
内容简介:本文v后保底日更3000字,能多更就会多更每晚九点更新,坑品有保证,求收藏呀秦白萱穿进了一本书中,成了要嫁给残疾将军的炮灰公主。这残疾将军霍和安在书中是个悲惨男配,原本年少成名、战功赫 赫,是盛极一1w0-67378 >>
内容简介:(已设置防盗章,请一定要看下面的排雷。)陶愿带着桃花系统,去到不同的世界完成任务,而其中最重要的任务,就是谈恋爱。而且每一场恋爱,都要很甜很宠,才算完成任务。总之,在他开挂之后,每个世 界都要秀恩爱。白莲花我感受到了来自世界的深深恶意,说好了我才是主角的,为什么我最后成了炮灰?渣男打脸来的太快,就像龙卷风,如果老天再给我一次重来的机会,请让我爱他一万年不变。围观群众老天爷,把那两个秀恩爱的带走吧,我们要被狗粮撑死了!1:与豪门干爹恋爱:明明可以靠卖艺赚大钱的他,偏偏就是要选择卖身给豪门干爹。(已完成)2:与影帝入戏相恋:在戏里恋爱,入戏太深,爱到戏外。接吻练习请了解一下。(已完成)3:在六零年代冲喜:未婚夫追求到了自己的白月光,立刻悔婚抛弃他,他只能嫁给昏迷不醒的军官冲喜?攻受互宠请了解一下。(已完成)4:包养狼性小奶狗:重生就能把别人的东西拿去用,还陷害别人抄袭?外表高冷禁欲内在浪骚体质设计师受x外表阳光帅气八块腹肌小奶狗内在狠毒狼性模特攻5:后宫争宠攻略:他要么不争,要争就必须是独宠。6:星际文艺兵:文艺兵也是不好当,不但要会唱会跳,还要扮得了女装。。看文提示:1:1v1,爽文,主受,系统很强大。2:全文架空,每个世界都与现实世界无关,请勿考据。排雷:1:作者水平很低,实在是写不出什么好文,只能写写苏天苏地的小白文,如果觉得看不下去,请直接点退出,弃文不必告知。请喜欢用嘲讽的方式批评作者的读者千万不要点进来,本人现实生活中因为各种压力,有时候心情很差,要是被怼回去了可别怪我,大家都是普通人,谁也不比谁高一等,请互相尊重。2:攻受灵魂同时穿越,双洁党慎入,某些故事会有怀孕和生子情节。感谢所有支持正版的读者,顺便求一下收藏么么哒注意:开挂恋爱系统(快穿)为书友上传橘子舟吧作品,小兵无遮挡广告、无弹窗,页面简洁让我们畅快阅读开挂恋爱系统(快穿)无弹窗全文阅读,剧情丰富精彩,角色刻画细腻,世界观宏大,欢迎品鉴。1w0-33777 >>
内容简介:【中午十二点更新,若有事会在文案上说。】柳渔长相娇艳,生就一副媚骨,前世被狠心爹娘卖入青楼,于出阁夜一头碰死在扬州城最奢华的销金窟里。再睁眼时,重回十五岁那年,被爹娘卖给牙婆的前一个月 。重生回来,迫在眉睫只一件事。一月之内为自己寻一个好夫君,避开前世被卖的命运。她卷了能拿出手的所有银钱,敲开了长丰镇媒婆的院门,才出媒婆家门,转身就遇一少年,媒婆低声与她道:“陆丰布铺东家的三子陆承骁。”柳渔1w0-89205 >>
内容简介:大宅门里是非多,继母姐姐虎视眈眈,要能嫁得满意,难;嫁得满意,要丈夫一心一意,那更是难上加难这是一个外表温婉内心坚强的女子如何在大宅门里让自己活得舒服的故事。本文开头有些虐,可前边不虐 后边不爽啊,菇凉们!1w0-99974 >>