Infinite Stratos - Infinite Stratos Book Direct From The Warehouse (Artbook) summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Infinite Stratos - Infinite Stratos Book Direct From The Warehouse (Artbook). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The love story between a blind girl who lives in fairytales and a hard boiled boy who no longer believes. After the accident, Ai Rin is no longer too sure. She cannot see, and she isn't even sure if her 'family' is her real one. She doesn't remember if she had any sisters or even an angry mother. While Lee Su's family was completely destroyed. His father is now drunk, and he doesn't have any money to pay for the surgery his little sister needs. He stopped believing in magic and fairytales long ago. But the two meet by chance, Ai Rin, a fairytale writer, and Lee Su, a hat seller.
Akira Shiraishi, a young high school boy with feminine features, joins Blaue Rosen, the all-girl band that Mizuki Sakurazaka, an androgynous girl of the same age, performs lead electric guitar in. Their high school life is anything but typical: Mizuki is the 'prince' of her all-girl school while Akira is the 'princess' of the neighboring all-boy school. A series of comical events brings them closer together, even as the prejudice of the people around them tries to pull them apart. To make it short its a comedy-romance manga from the androgynious girl point of view - Sequel - Ai Ore!
As Rohan, a young Japanese manga artist, is drawing, he meets a mysterious, beautiful woman who tells him of a cursed 200-year-old painting. The painting was created using the blackest ink ever known, which came from a 1,000-year-old tree that the painter had cut down without the approval of the Emperor. The painter was executed for this, but the painting was saved from destruction by a curator of the Louvre. A decade later, Rohan visits Paris and asks the museum to unearth the painting from deep within its archives—but he is completely unprepared for the power of the curse he has unleashed. + Ai ore manga + Dragon Girl manga
Delicious Food Got Me Famous Across The Galaxy summary: Delicious Food Got Me Famous Across The Galaxy summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Delicious Food Got Me Famous Across The Galaxy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? summary: A 45-year-old salary man dies in a train accident and is reincarnated as a newly born baby in a different world. For some reason he had special skills: “Natural Talent” and “Identify.” In order to make the best of this advantage, the protagonist resolves himself for his second life.
Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln summary: Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Modern Cinderella summary: A Modern Cinderella summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Modern Cinderella. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
简介模特儿李诗雅是一个必须靠着和人类的身体接触吸收能量才能够活下去的现代吸血鬼,拥有美丽外貌的诗雅非常轻易就能够和男人有身体上的接触,直到她遇到拥有比任何男人的能量都新鲜的申志浩,李诗雅从第一次和他有了身体接触后就非常渴望能够拥有他身上的能量,但这个心愿却因为申志浩的洁癖而失败,李诗雅为了消灭他的洁癖以及得到他身上的能量一步步地越来越靠近他的生活,但两人之间却产生了微妙的感情。 女主角必须和人有身体上的接触才能活下去,而男主角却讨厌跟任何人有身体上的接触,这个设定让读者在看这部爱情漫画时更津津有味,李诗雅为了和申智厚有身体上的接触,采取了各式各样的作战方式,虽然看起来像场可爱的闹剧,不过这个想碰又逃跑的过程就像是男女在暧昧期的不安,作者成功描绘出了在超越友情线前男女间起伏不平的心情。
简介以高超的战斗技巧和冷静的判断力为武器,年纪轻轻便崭露头角成为远近闻名的青年冒险者戴尔。由于委托步入了幽深的森林中,在那里,与顽强生存的年幼的魔族少女相遇了。那位背负罪人烙印的少女戴尔无法置之不理。由于种种缘分戴尔下定决心成为她的监护人—— “拉汀娜太可爱了,不想去工作。”“又犯傻啊!?” 不知不觉就就变为笨蛋父亲模式全开的精明青年冒险者和魔族少女的温馨幻想物
内容简介:后世武警杨义,在云南追捕毒贩时,不小心掉进了溶洞,从而穿越到了唐贞观年间。因重生的身份是弘农杨氏,又因李淳风推算出,杨义乃紫微星神人下凡,从此和李世民产生了斩不断理还乱的故事。而一心想 发财的杨义,在得到李靖投资后,却无意间掉进了李靖设置的圈套里,在与朝臣斗知斗勇中,略占上风,但也被迫再次走上了军人之路。由于在后世是个学渣,李世民屡次授官,杨义都给予回绝,只接受爵位。但爵位难得,不可能授得太高,恼羞成怒的李世民,将杨义贬去领南。从此,杨义才终于实现了他的志向:当大唐版的比尔盖茨!杨义暴富了,但他并不满足于现状,他打造大海船,下南洋挖金、捕砗磲、捞鲸粪,什么值钱他干什么,致富能力暴棚。拥有巨大财富的杨义,为躲避朝庭无休止的征伐,开始了他环球之旅……多年以后,当杨义再次回归故土时,已是新皇登基,他也已老迈,只得蜗居在自己一手创建的桃花坞内感叹世间的沧桑变化……【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《桃花坞》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70207 >>
内容简介:三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。……穿越到儒道世界,成为了一名寒门学子。在这个世界。妖魔张口可吞日。儒生提笔逆乾坤。苏毅携传世诗词文章。在危机四伏的儒道 世界之中,逆境而上,踏上了绝代儒神之路。1w0-75838 >>
内容简介:我左芯片,右……;右什么?对了,地、水、火、风四大真灵;郭天携带星际时代的基因辅助芯片,与混沌珠碎片中的地、水、火、风,穿越至万天界中的星海世界里,成为了一名筑梦师,一名史无前例的全系 筑梦师。何为筑梦师?改变万千梦境,掌控诸多生灵,习得万般法术,脚踏九层祥云,朝食夕露晚餐霞,日游万里赴仙宴。Ps:地球法则与星海世界不同,地球人请勿模仿,否则后果自负。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《史上最强穿越客》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80961 >>
内容简介:末日之吞噬万物是屠苍生写的科幻未来类小说十五年前,一场流星雨改变了整个世界。丧尸,在大地各处肆虐;人类,只能躲藏在夹缝中生存。十五年后,新建的南京城遭受最严酷的考验,四面楚歌的环境下, 最终成毁人亡。赵传,一个在末世挣扎了十五年的战士,同样死在了这一场人与丧尸之间的战斗中。不知为何,他醒了,熟悉的一切,熟悉的流星雨将在27分钟之后再次降临。这一次,他带着未来的记忆,将要如何去改变这个破碎的世界……更新时间,中午12:oo,下午18:3o每日两更1w0-68074 >>
内容简介:【预计于1月5号星期三入v,希望大家多多支持啾咪啾咪】叶珏一觉睡醒发现自己穿越了,穿进了一本小说小说讲的是两个A之间的爱恨情仇,不过因为一些不知名原因,导致无数次重来的世界里两个A之间 只有你死我活,没有爱恨情仇他要想回到现实世界,就必须当红娘做月老,在两位主角之间架起爱的桥梁正好他又是一个和ABO世界有壁的普通人,闻不出任何信息素的味道,完全不受两位猛A的压制叶珏:哦豁,随便浪雨夜,各位书友要是觉得《穿书后被两个猛A盯上了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73004 >>