It Wasn't There, But Now It Is Read Online


My Favorite Girl

Hayato Igarashi has worked together in a Chinese restaurant with Shouko Mishima for a little while. As the reserved Shouko grows closer to him Hayato realizes his greatest wish is to keep her smiling. Will her tragic last relationship stop that? And what'll happen when a new guy comes to eat at the Chinese restaurant?

Momoiro Sabbath

The story centers around a number of witches. The heroine is Kagome, a low level witch with enormous strength. She has for mission to kill Tamakichi, a high school student with a demon soul, and a very unlucky boy. Fortunately she doesn't succeed, begins to like him and becomes his bodyguard instead. Other witches with more magical power also have an interest for Tamakichi, i.e. they want to mate with him because they believe their magical powers will increase when succeeding. This is something Kagome doesn't like of course. Pink Sabbath is a nice comedy, lots of fun.

Mekakushi No Kuni

Mekakushi no Kuni is the story of high school student Outsuka Kanade who can sometimes see a person's future with a touch, and transfer student Naitou Arou, whose ESP is limited to past events. When Kanade glimpses an unfortunate incident coming, can she change it? She soon befriends Arou, who's no novice. While Kanade’s power is limited to the near future and is somewhat incontrollable, Arou’s is permanent and he can even use it to see an object’s “memories”. Are these teenaged seers of the past and future made for each other? And who's right: Arou with his 'hands off' policy about meddling in people's lives, or Kanade whose more proactive stance has already had unhappy consequences?

It Wasn't There, But Now It Is

“If that's sunbaenim’s preference, then I'll change.” Hong, who took the courage to confess to his beloved sunbae Dowon, is rejected on the spot. A suspicious woman approaches Hong, who is frustrated that all her hope has disappeared. Hong, who took the medicine that has been recommended by the suspicious woman, has became the ideal type of Dowon, and made a stronger move on him. It's starting! Hyun's pure hearted love that only looks at sunbae and thinks about sunbae can be really a happy ending?!.

Minnie's Pet Horse

Minnie's Pet Horse summary: Minnie's Pet Horse summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Minnie's Pet Horse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Esperanza Rising

Esperanza Rising summary: Esperanza Rising summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Esperanza Rising. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Afloat on the Flood

Afloat on the Flood summary: Afloat on the Flood summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Afloat on the Flood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Phenomeno summary: “There are things that shouldn’t be seen.”
Often said my late grandmother, and that was quite true.
I was drawn to the occult from childhood, and upon entering university, I learned the truth of those words by stepping many times into the edges of the netherworld. Ghosts — beings which no one can decisively determine whether they exist or not. The story that begins here revolves around stories brought forth by them.
And this story, it can also be said to be the story of it and I.
As its eyes glimmer in front of strangeness, as it breathes out words with a bedazzled expression, it warped the world that I always believed in. It made me anxious of whether the ground I stood on would shake. I would want to look over my shoulder just by listening, and I grew to fear whether someone were peeking from the dark shadow of the door.
Maybe it was because the words it spoke included truths about the other side. It included truths that only applied to the scant, grotesque, waning, dead ones.
Now, after it has disappeared, do I finally know that.
As grandmother said, it was a world that I should not have seen. It was a story that was not for the living person.
However, I intend to speak of that.
I intend to speak about all of that.
Because if I don’t — it wouldn’t be able to rest in peace.
Because it, having lived on the edge of darkness, having struggled through the threshold of darkness, would not be able to live in peace.
Yes — I’ll say it once more.
From here on, is a story that shouldn’t be known.
































内容简介:(小可爱们,7月9号的稿子晚上11点以后更新哟)金丝雀小软萌的富家千金安娴一朝穿越,顶冒原主陈国公主美貌贤淑的名头,将自己暴躁的小性子藏的很深很深,齐国太子齐荀,一方霸主冷漠骄傲,也将 自己的小心眼藏的很深很深。两人互相被对方的完美表象所吸引,看对了眼,和亲了!成亲之后:齐荀瞧着跟前手撕他后宫,披头散发的女人,额头青筋直跳:“你的温柔贤淑呢?”1w0-79395 >>




内容简介:[高甜!又苏又撩!甜炸啦!]穿越时空,拯救反派,虐渣洗白,好戏看够了就溜,日子过的舒舒服服。这是苏玉和系统七七八八以前的的想法。但之后……偏执天才小可怜睁着一双水汪汪的大眼睛:“玉玉, 不要离开,要不然我就折断你的双翅!”坐在她旁边的校霸同桌,嘴角噙着漫不经心的笑意:“小可怜,别总想着逃跑!就算跑到天涯海角我也能把你揪出来,然后一口吃掉!”1w0-27949 >>


内容简介:一吻成瘾简介:原书名《一夜缠情:女人,要定你!》在充满了暧昧,浪漫气息的伦敦,那一夜,她做了一次大胆热辣的女人。【成年了吗?】他玩味的眼神审读着她,不沾染未成年,这是他的底线。原本以为 一辈子不会再有交集的两个人,在她回国后,他们再一次相遇:她耍手段,玩阴谋,肆无忌惮的惹怒他,不知收敛,最后,才知道自己惹不起他。【一千万,这些钱,够玩你一次吧!】他步步紧逼着她,熟悉的味道,熟悉的温度,熟悉的心跳,一切都在不停的勾出伦敦一夜的回忆。她是他玩过的女人,可这一辈子,他想玩的女人却只有她一个……【推荐纳兰的火热连载文《前妻,许你一世宠》,亲们请多多支持!】《一吻成瘾》是纳兰海映精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新一吻成瘾最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的一吻成瘾评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持一吻成瘾读者的观点。关键词:一吻成瘾最新章节纳兰海映一吻成瘾无弹窗一吻成瘾全文阅读1w0-80521 >>


内容简介:【原书名《我在娱乐圈里咸鱼躺》】文案:乔奚奚在娱乐圈里当了许多年的受气包小透明才发现,原来她是一本娱乐圈爽文里的炮灰女配。她绑定了一个来督促她走剧情的系统,系统就是个精准的扣分机器,每 当乔奚奚想要奋起努力时,它就开始让她疯狂掉属性值。检测到她认真学习,它就扣除她的智力值检测到她彻夜训练,它就扣除她的身材窈窕度检测到她努力争取镜头,它就扣除她的气运久而久之。乔奚奚:麻了。觉醒剧情后,乔奚奚带着一双看透一切的眼睛,觉得自己这炮灰垫脚石的人生实在是太没意思了。她不要再奋斗了。剧情爱咋地咋地,她乔奚奚坚决不跳进周围人内卷的大潮流中。既然翻不了身,那她索性顺势咸鱼躺平,佛系得彻底。可就在乔奚奚失去梦想变成咸鱼后,剧情线就控制不住她了。她的系统也跟着动了……她半夜偷吃零食,身材却更苗条了她在镜头前不争不抢,任别人占据C位,热搜却给她安排上了她不想在综艺里面表现自己,只想早点完成任务收工回家,全综艺的人却都被她给带飞了只想做咸鱼不想努力的乔奚奚,火了。曾经觉得乔奚奚一点存在感都没有的网友们:她怎么什么都会!这是什么宝藏女孩!为什么我们现在才发现她的存在!乔奚奚:这个世界……太叛逆。食用指南:1晚上更新,其他时间更新提示为捉虫2娱乐圈沙雕爽文,部分章节弹幕多预收文文案《听说你有两幅面孔?》,戳专栏可见,求收藏文案:江荞是个孤儿,从小在山村长大。十八岁时才知道,她不姓江而姓阮,是被抱错的豪门真千金,亲生父母说要接她回家。可在要接她回去当天,他们抵不住假千金的苦苦哀求,对假千金心软,怕小门小户出来的江荞给他们丢脸,临时改变了主意,将她拒之门外。假千金等在门后,等着江荞求她给她开门,江荞却只是目光凉凉往里看了一眼,头也不回地转身走了。从小到大没出现过的父母,她也不是很想见。她回到H市勤工俭学,隔壁是个比她还要清贫的男人,生了张能去做明星的脸,过得却像乞丐一样落魄。男人长得十分好看,似乎还有些眼熟,但江荞想不起来他是谁,只觉得把能拉高人类颜值平均水平的他白白饿死了可惜,时常接济一下他。阮家人没来找过江荞,一直在等江荞日子过不下去,主动来联系他们,可等着等着,没等到江荞回头过一次。他们忍不住到江荞的住处来看一眼,却意外看见那个手段雷霆不近人情的现任孟家掌家人——孟二孟云敛出现在这。他们想尽了办法都攀不上的人,正因为弄坏了江荞的餐具,追在他们看不上眼的小女儿江荞身后连连赔罪。身材高大的男人,举着个被掰断的勺子,追在江荞身后低头认错,像一只因做错事而撒娇讨饶的大狗。阮家人:……阮家人:那一刻,我们都以为是认错了人。好家伙,没想到他居然有两幅面孔孟云敛:那一刻,我的马甲岌岌可危 >>


内容简介:  一树生的万朵花,天下道门是一家。  法术千般变化,人心却亘古不变1w0-603

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