AD2072, fearsome monsters, known as 'Aragami' (Bewildered Gods), appeared on Earth and start preying on humans. Human population had decreased down to 1/100 in just a few years, and the world is about to come to an end. However, there's one group of people who battles with these fierce monsters, using the biological weapon, known as the 'Jinki' (God Device). These people are called as 'G.E.' (God Eaters). This manga revolves around one of the God Eaters, Silva, and his conquest to bring back the hope of humanity...
Himoto Sora is a transfer student with a sense of justice and dreams of becoming a knight. Upon arriving at Utopia Gakuen, she learns of a virtual reality-like game played by the male students in which they use girls as weapons in battles for status and treat them as commodities. Seeing one of these girls being abused she steps in and through some sort of error unwittingly becomes the first female participant of the game.
Raion Den is a really really timid salaryman. He also is a lion.
Sui is a brand new student at a boarding school. His dorm master is a sexy, studly college student called Daira, aka 'King'. Sui develops a crush on Daira which slowly deepens into mad love, only to be reciprocated by harsh words and a cold shoulder... Out of the blue, Daira forces himself on Sui! Hurt and confused, Sui turns to his childhood friend, Sosuke for comfort.
Cast Away in the Cold summary: Cast Away in the Cold summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Cast Away in the Cold. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Death at the Excelsior summary: Death at the Excelsior summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Death at the Excelsior. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Dickory Dock summary: Dickory Dock summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Dickory Dock. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Legal Position of the Clergy summary: The Legal Position of the Clergy summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Legal Position of the Clergy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
内容简介:瓒兵三万,列为方阵,分突骑万匹,翼军左右,其锋甚锐。绍令麴义引精兵八百,强弩千张,以为先登。瓒轻其兵少,纵骑腾之,义兵伏盾下,一时同发,瓒军大败,义亲斩瓒大将严纲,获甲首千余级。追至界 桥,瓒敛兵还战,义复破之,遂到瓒营,拔其牙门,瓒军俱惊,溃败而逃。麴义斜首望天,睥睨天下,曰:“试问天下豪杰,吾有八百先登,谁敢与争锋?”1w0-88775 >>
内容简介:“什么?我竟然穿越到洪荒世界成为天帝了?”“嘿嘿,女娲,后土,瑶池,嫦曦,西王母,三霄……数之不尽的仙子不都是我的了?”“等等,不对。我是昊天?那个憋憋屈屈的被圣人欺负,还让猴子给踹到 桌子底下的昊天?”不,朕既为天帝,当君临天下!普天之下莫非王土,率土之滨莫非王臣!尔等乱臣贼子,还不速速俯首跪拜?1w0-30772 >>
内容简介: (甜宠虐渣,古穿今,全能选手征服世界)于乱世中将众弟妹抚养长大,文能招聚天下贤士,武能挂帅出征开拓疆土。 终于一步步将胞弟送上皇帝位置的夏挽沅,是夏朝历史上最为传奇的长公主。 而这位长公主一睁眼,却发现自己身处千年以后。 这回自己倒是依然被称为“公主”,但都是别人讽刺她在娱乐圈仗着资本行事,娇气嚣张,给她的黑称罢了。 对此夏挽沅表示,总有你们真心实意叫公主的一天。 众人表示:呵呵,真把自己当公主了?谁给的脸,你那马上要踹了你的大佬老公吗? 君时陵:拿着一亿离婚费赶紧离开。 两年后 众人:谁说夏挽沅是草包的??如果双影后在手,时尚界的宠儿,琴棋书画样样精通,诗书古文无所不能,是最高学府的双系教授,击剑射击等奥运金牌拿到手软,名下产业遍布全球,荣耀满身,国家的光荣,这样的人都是草包,那他们是什么?草履虫吗?脸好疼,公主您看我跪的标准吗? 君时陵:谁敢造谣我们离婚,让他天凉王破!老婆我们再生一个好不好? 绝对不憋屈,无敌打脸,各种舒爽甜宠貌美如花腹黑多才多艺长公主兼职影后与心思深沉冷峻追妻火葬场总裁推《全能夫人被宠成了小娇娇》超好看哦1w0-1635 >>